crazy week

May 11, 2005 10:41

Salaam peoples

Alot of events just happened one after the other, I prolly won't be able to recall all of them or get into detail for each, but man oh man, it's just been super crazy. I guess i'm just setting you all up to read the rest of my post with all this hype and all, but for real, I don't know where to begin. I'll guess I'll just start now. My old boss from my first year at Stony Brook stopped by and said hi to everyone, she had left 3 years ago to cali and got a job there to take care of her ailing sister who had breast cancer. Her sister is well now, alhumdulilah, but this this boss i was really able to relate to when i first got the job. She's iranian, but you wouldn't believe this but she looks like this famous iranian singer, googoosh. She even sounds like her when she talks, but i'd doubt she sings like her but then again i never asked her to sing. Anyways, she commented on the way I looked and changed, even though everyone else loooked the same, hehe. She even asked about my brother, even though he worked for her only for a few months, lol. I was kinda embarassed cause i had this cold sore on top of my lip, but she still smiled and spoke to me like her own son :). She was the only one here at the HSC who could actually pronounce my name right heheh. But anyways, It wasn't that big of a deal, I guess i'm just tryin to make my life exciting even though it's boring as hell right now at this very moment. maybe the next few moments or year it'll get exciting.
I get this daily newsletter from Matt Furey, author of Combat conditiong. I'm sick of his crap and all the ways he tries to get people to buy his products through his somewhat convincing testimonials and personal stories. I hate it, because it's slowly but surely will get me to buy one of his products because he's marketing ploys are working so damn well. Yes i can cancel his damn newsletter, but i friggin love readin the motivating things he says. What a friggin loser, i just wanna meet him, shake his damn hand for his stupid letters and get on with my friggin life. How pathetic is it that i'm just another statistic or model of a typical consumer that's described in those marketing text books. Man, i fell for it haha.
anyways, to get my brain juices moving again, I started to finally get moving into the 3 digit marks into the book i'm reading, called east of NY west of kabul by Tamim Ansary, It's a very interesting lil book. I wish i could finish it so i can comment how stupid and how wonderful some parts of the book are, and how dumb and ignorant some of his comments are on islam. He claims to be a mutazilite. these people in the 9th century tortured our traditional scholars. These scholars carried and shaped our schools of thought for what it is today. Well anyways, just like any afghan, they think they know about islam more than anyone else because they're "afghan" and they can write and sway public opinion about islam to whoever wants to read their books. I don't fall for that and I'll write a rebuttal to his book one day if i feel the need to. But since nobody cares or reads about his book anymore, I won't feel the need to. It's a waste of time learning islam from this guy, but i liked the historical events he described in the book about afghanistan and the russians and what transpired to the war and etc. He also described life in afghanistan and the compounds the families or "clans" use to live in. A very private and comfortable life that the govt wanted to get rid of all together for the sake of westernization. anyways, it was very akin to the stories i heard from my family so Big ups to Mr Ansary for his description, he's somewhat of an ignorant dude but very wise at the same time, person. Besides the content, he has a wonderful way of writing, very articulate and descriptive at times. He's very funny too, but not like haha funny like he'll get fallin off the seat, but passive humour, the one where if you're like talkin to someone online, you can just type "lol" instead of hahhah, because you're not really laughing, but just acknowleding that whatever that person said was somewhat funny, but not super hilarious. He's not JRR tolkien, but no retarded LJ writer either. I hate Matt Furey.
I had a terrible dream the other night, i'll describe it in another post if i feel like it. Thanks for reading. Salaam
P.S. you're right, it wasn't that exciting of a week, but it got you reading didn't it? HAH! you've become another statistic just like me!
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