May 25, 2006 22:28
I have lost the trust of most, is it because I am such a lound person?, I can understand that. But why are the two always liked together, I always keep my word,I am loyal, friendly, and despite how I depict myself I am nice. I have been trampled on countless times, that now the gentle Kid that would hold the door and be polite has given up, the abuse I have endured has given me the right to keep my distance and keep my gaurd, It is my protection, I try not to fear others as I have in the past, I voice myself because I fear that if I close my mouth I will be walked all over, I ask for your respect, trust and understanding that i cannot shut up because if i do i will loose myself. if you cannot handle me I advise you to step away,if you can, I promise that I will always keep my word, and always respect your wishes, as long as you respect mine. please understand this Is not a threat or a warning, just an explination that I do love and care for everyone, but if I am affecting your life in any negitave way, I am sorry and i hope that our realionships will grow stronger.