Which member of Iron Maiden are you? brought to you by
Quizilla A - Age: 21
B - Band: Damad
C - Choice Of Meat: fish
D - Dream Date: i don't know, i'm a simple guy
E - Excites You: driving too fast
F - Favorite Food: sushi
G - Greatest Gift: the thoughtful ones
H - Happiest Day Of Your Life: well, in recent times, a few days ago, just landed a new job
I - Internal Conflicts: procrastination, organizational skills
J - Jealous: mostly not, but occasionally
K - Kool Aid: yum
L - Love: great
M - Most Valuable Thing You Own:
N - Name: Dustin Barcus
O - Outfit: Against Me! tshirt, jeans, some old Saucony Shadows
P - Pizza Topping: Pineapple and ham, with ranch dressing!
Q - Question I Want To Ask: no
R - Roots: Latin Roots?
S - Sport To Watch: football, baseball
T - TV Show: stuff on discovery, tlc, food network, history channel, etc, that kinda stuff
V - View From The Window: driveway, neighbors' houses
W - Weather I Love: HOT
Y - Yesterday's Best Meal: some soup and a wrap
Z - Zodiac sign: gemini
Last Cigarette: never
Last Kiss: today :)
Last Cry: while ago, last year
Last Library Book Checked Out: haha i dunno, but it was probably in highschool, and i probably still need to return it
Last Movie Seen In a Theatre: hmmm... i don't remember for sure
Last Book Read: don't remember
Last Cuss Word Uttered: cunt!
Last Beverage Drank: a Tazo iced tea, mango flavor
Last Food Consumed: chocolate chip cookies
Last Phone Call: my dad
Last TV Show Watched: one of those worlds funniest animals shows
Last Time Showered: couple hours ago
Last Shoes Worn: Saucony Shadows
Last CD Played: i play everything on my ipod, so, Damad - Burning Cold
Last Soda Drank: 7up
Last Key Used: car key
Last Words Spoken: "have fun at school babe" or soemthign like that
Last Sleep: like this afternoon
Last IM: dunno
Last Sexual Fantasy: shhh
Last Ice Cream Eaten: fozen pudding and buttercrunch sundae
Last Time Wanting to Die: never
Last Lipstick: uhh blistex?
Last Time Dancing: haha i dunno, do circle pits count?
Last Show Attended: Bones Brigade, Ed Gein
Last Big Car Ride: up to NH a few days ago, not all that big though
Last Crush: emily
Last Annoyance: today
Last Disappointment: ummm
Last Time Scolded: dunno
Last Shirt: Against Me!
Last Web Site Visited: indietorrents
1. How many piercings do you have? none anymore
2. What gauge are your various piercings? my tongue used to be a 6 gauge
3. What's your favorite piercing of yours? none
4. Do you want anything else pierced? not anymore
5. What would you NOT get pierced? hmm, facial piercings, tried it, it sucks
1. How many tattoos do you have? 2
2. What would you like to get a tattoo of? not sure
3. What is the most time you'd spend in one tattoo session? a few hours
4. Would you trust your best friend to give you a tattoo? no
5. What do you think of sleeves [full arm tattoos]? meh
6. Who is your favorite tattooed celebrity? dunno
7. Would you get a tattoo on your chest or ass areas? yeah
8. What's the biggest diameter, in inches, you would get as a tattoo? no real limit really, all depends on what i want
9. What do you think is the most over-done tattoo design? too many
More Extreme Mods
1. Would you ever get branded? no thanks
2. Would you ever go in for scarification [professionally]? no thanks
3. Would you ever get implants [little things under your skin, for example, NOT breast implants]? thought about it, but not worth the hassle
4. Would you ever get a surface piercing? no
5. If your parent/guardian got a genital piercing, what would you do? nothing
6. Do you really think clit/penis piercings make sex better? no
7. Suspension or stage piercings? meh
:x: piercings = 0
:x: tattoos = 2
:x: shoe size = 10
:x: hair color = brown
:x: siblings = 2
:x: movie you rented = Happiness. if you've never seen it, go get it! so good
:x: movie you bought = the goonies
:x: song you listened to = Damad - Link
:x: song that was stuck in your head = Kylesa - Delusion on Fire
:x: cd you bought = There Were Wires - Somnambulists
:x: cd you listened to =ipod
:x: person you've called = my mom
:x: person that's called you = my dad
:x: tv show you've watched = didn't i alreayd answer this???
:x: person you were thinking of = emily
:x: friend you made = some bouncers at a bar the other day, and soem friends my friend introduced me to at said bar
:x: you have a crush on someone = tioht;ony98y49
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = for the winter
:x: you think about suicide = no
:x: you believe in online dating = sure
:x: others find you attractive = i think so
:x: you want more piercings = no
:x: you drink = no
:x: you do drugs = no
:x: you smoke =no
:x: you like cleaning = my car
:x: you like roller coasters = not really
:x: you write in cursive or print = print, and it sucks
:x: long distance relationships = kind of against
:x: using someone = eh
:x: suicide = against
:x: killing people = uhh
:x: teenage smoking = against
:x: doing drugs = against
:x: driving drunk = very against
:x: gay/lesbian relationships = for
:x: soap operas = don't care
:x: ever cried over a girl = yes
:x: ever cried over a boy = no
:x: ever lied to someone = yes
:x: ever been in a fist fight = yes
:x: ever been arrested = yes
:x: shampoo do you use = whatever's in the shower
:x: shoes do you wear = vans and sauconys
:x: are you scared of = stuff
:x: of times I have been in love? = a few
:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = a few
:x: of hearts I have broken? = 1 or 2
:x: of girls I have kissed? = like 8 or 9
:x: of boys I have kissed? = none
:x: of girls I've slept with? = a few
:x: of boys I've slept with? = none
:x: of drugs taken illegally? = weed and booze, yes alcohol is a drug dumb fucks
:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = a few
:x: of people I consider my enemies? = none really
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = a few
:x: of scars on my body? = a lot
:x: of things in my past that I regret? = a few
:x: disney movie = oh i don't know, jeez
:x: word = CUNT
:x: nickname = none really
:x: guy name = CUNT MUSKET
:x: girl name = CUNT MUSKET
:x: eye color = any
:x: flower = roses?
:x: piercing = cunt
:x: actor = christopher walken
:x: actress = hmmm... dunno
:x: pretty = no
:x: funny = sometimes
:x: hot = naa
:x: friendly = usually
:x: ugly = not really
:x: loveable = maybe
:x: caring = yeah
:x: sweet = sometimes
:x: dorky = yeah