a) Five years have passed since Kal discovered his vision and he receives an email at college from his parents telling him that they would appreciate a visit from him as soon as possible and since it's Spring Break the next week he readily agrees. He calls Justin, Mark and Haley up and asks them if they'd like to rendezvous as always in their home town again this year. They agree.
b) Kal gets home the first day of Spring Break, which is a Thursday, and meets Mark, Haley, and his parents at his house. Mark looks at Kal and tells him that Justin had a hang-gliding event planned and tells him of the tragic accident that took their friends' life. Kal sits, stunned, as he processes the news. Despite the fact that he knew Justin's death was close approaching, it was still a really hard moment in his life and he grieves for a little while.
c) Friday, Kal is better able to cope by simply not thinking about Justin and asks Mark and Haley how their relationship has progressed. It turns out that Haley has been sleeping around and so they are no longer a couple, and when Haley leaves the room, Kal sympathizes with his remaining best friend. He feels the need to tell Mark that Kal himself won't be around much longer, but he can't find the words. He's looked for weeks trying to figure out how to avoid it, but all of the paths of his future lead to one point, the pinnacle of his life: his death. And it's to happen in the next few days.
d) Saturday, Kal's parents decide that they want to see a movie with him and his friends and they all agree, Kal as well, despite the foreboding and foreknowing that he feels. He knows that tonight is the night that he says goodbye to this life, and that's all there is to it. They all stop at Applebee's and they talk and Kal has a serious moment with his friends near the end of supper after they have discussed Justin and how life is going to be without him.
e) This serious moment Kal has is about the feelings he has for his family: He looks his parents square in the face and tells them that he loves them, no matter what, and that they cannot blame themselves for anything that happens to him, ever, because it's simply the way that the fates play out. This bewilders and upsets his mother but Kal can't apologize for it- he just tells her how much he loves her. Then he turns to Mark and tells him that he'll find a really good girl in a year or so who will turn his life upside down, which makes his friend grin, and tells Mark how great of a friend he's been all of his life. Haley seems to be the only one that catches on and she drags him to the corner of the restaurant after he finishes his speeches.
f) Haley demands to know what he thinks he's doing and Kal just smiles at her. He tells her that he forgives her for betraying his trust so many years ago and that nothing is her fault either, explains to her that his visions are real, and that this is his chance to say goodbye. She tells him that he's being ridiculous but when he doesn't laugh along she sobers quickly and says, "So you're really going to die then?" which surprises Kal into silence, but he can't deny it. Haley's eyes tear up, but she refuses to cry, stating that she won't cry until she has proper reason, which makes Kal grin.
g) At the movie theater, they all enjoy the movie The Others which makes Kal smile at the ending. He knows he's fast approaching his own fate, and is glad to know that he gets to have an ending that most people don't expect: a peaceful one, knowing that he is going to die and not having anything to wish he's done before-hand. He's accepted his fate, and when he steps outside in the cold and feels a hand shove him in front of an on-coming car, the only thought in his mind is At Last.
So I definitely had a scare today- of course I would be the victim of such cruelty on Halloween (I'm kidding).
Anyways, I went to feed the dogs and Opal was fine. Porky, however, couldn't shut his jaw so he couldn't eat. It really freaked me out and I first thought that he had something stuck in his mouth and when we looked and couldn't find anything, the next thought that struck me was rabies.
I called my dad and he advised me to call the vet, which I did, and all she told me was that I needed to bring him in for an exam, which of course, we couldn't afford.
So then I decided to call Chris, my sister's ex-boyfriend, because we got the dogs from his grandpa. As soon as he heard what the problem was, Chris' immediate response was that it could be lockjaw- tetanus.
So for another couple of hours I was really freaked out, but when Mikey left to go get his haircut, Porky ran up to the porch and his mouth was closed! It was definitely a big relief and I fed him and everything has been fine since.
It scared me really bad, though, because for awhile there I thought I might have to watch a living being die in front of me, considering the fact we don't have the funds for vet visits. I was really freaked out and the only thing that kept me sane was the fact Mikey was there through all of it.
Anyways, that's my Halloween story.