Semi-friends only. Read below. Otherwise known as all you can ever want to know about being my internet stalker!
Jk, jk.
So let's get the super boring About Me details out of the way and get on to more interesting stuff.
I'm Kasey and I'm 23. I study Biology.
I work in an Optometrist's office and quite surprising to myself, I don't hate the job. The majority of that is that the lion's share of my coworkers have the same sense of sarcastic sense of humor. Retail has turned all of us into bitter, people-hating jackasses, but we mask that very well. (We actually only pretend we hate people.) I post a great deal about work and the shenanigans that somehow seem to always occur there and the fabulously fabulous customers, you know, those people that make you lose all faith in humanity upon meeting them. I'm only partially kidding there. "What do you mean I can't use bug spray to clean my glasses?! WHAT KIND OF PLACE IS THIS?!" Yes, someone yelled those words. When we aren't being blamed for the problems of the entire world or being yelled at for not selling bug spray-proof glasses, we rather enjoy antagonizing each other.
Bored yet? Yeah, me too. But now that we're past that!
I play video games. A lot of video games. I'm in love with my PS3 and my PC. I could list all of them off but think of a game and chances are I've played it or have a good reason that I haven't. I love having more people to play games with, so if you have Steam or a PS3 and are looking at messing around, shoot me a message and we can melt some faces.
I drink. A lot, sometimes. I like drinking. I only drink when I'm happy, because being drunk and miserable is worse than being sober and miserable. Seriously, drowing sorrows has never gotten me to anywhere good.
I have dance parties in my room at 3AM and like to make weird noises at my pet birds. Sometimes I do the past three things all at the same time and much hilarity ensues.
I practice yoga and I have toy lightsaber fights in the middle of Walmart.
I try to entertain myself in whatever I do, because hey, life is too short. You can be miserable or you can take a step back, and just laugh. So, that's what I do. I'm not saying life is always happy, fun times, but you're who decides how your life will be. You can't change what happens to you, and shitty things happen to amazing people, but you can decide how you react to it. I choose laughter and sometimes drinking. Heavily.
I post here because it entertains me. And if you find me entertaining or want to find out more about life in general for me, add me as a friend. Just let me know, otherwise I'll think you're some internet stalker.
I figured I'd throw this here.
I'm pretty open when it comes to friending people. I love meeting new people and reading about their lives.
That said, I won't add anyone that just adds me out of the blue without saying anything. It is not hard to send me a message or post on my About Me post. You don't have to go into a huge amount of details. A simple "Hi, I'm Insert-Name-Here. And I'd like to add you." is fine. I do LOVE when people let me know more about themselves, but you don't have to.
I don't really do massive friends cut. I do remove people if they've been away for a couple months (unless they're said as much), since I do not know if they're coming back. If we don't "click" or comment at all after a few months, I might remove you. I say might because there are a few that I haven't, but I really enjoy what they post. I don't expect you to comment on everything, cause I definitely won't on every single one, but once in a while, you know?
If I do remove you, please do not take it personal. I do not hate you, etc etc. And should you decide you don't want me on your friends list, feel free to remove me too. I will not cause any drama and simply remove you as well.
If you are one of the people that disappeared and want to be friends again, drop me a line. I won't know otherwise and I'll most likely be more than happy to add you again.
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