Back from my parents'. Looking for a job. Planning my vacation. Relaaaxing.
Time for TV
So, I really liked the first episode. Brain-fee superficial nonsense, but funny and entertaining. Lots of potential there. But unfortunately they spin around the storylines and start and stop character development erratically and completely illogically. I swear that the main female character has fallen for three guys in each episode. It's all back and forth and just does not make sense AT ALL. Eh, I don't think I'll be watching this anymore.
Gossip Girl
Guilty pleasure deluxe. I'm watching mainly for Blair and Chuck. And the clothes. And the outlandish dialogue. Don't really give a rat's fine ass for anybody/thing else. Sorry Dan, and Dan's dad and Chace's character and Brooklyn girl. Don't care. Now, Chuck Bass on the other hand. Have you seen what he's been wearing the last episode? Awesome.
Sorry, not been watching. So repetitive. Boring. Maybe later, k?
see above. The last season was a snore-fest.
LOVE it. I still don't understand why they "killed off" Zack. The episode with him in this new season was by far the best of the fall yet. Hello? Anyway, still LOVE the show to pieces.
True Blood
Ok, so all the explicit sex scenes are kinda weird to me. I guess they are used to convey the atmosphere and it IS supposedly based on a book series, but really, if I want to watch a porn I can do so (and maybe pick one with more attractive settings?). However, I find myself really liking this series more and more. It's the most "realistic" vampire series I've seen so far. Well, all the vampire clichees are present, but the dark and disturbing atmosphere make up for it. And there is Anna Paquin, of course, who looks even more stunning as a blonde and just makes the whole thing work.
Admittedly, I tuned into the first episode of this season to see Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow shirtless. Seriously, dows anybody watch this for the story. Tom Welling still can't act, but whatever. This season, the show runners have changed, and it's good, people. Really. Ok, so it's no critically acclaimed whatever for shure, BUT there are a lot of really handsome fellas on the show, and the show is a lot less cheesy and a lot more (dare I say?) classy and more like the "original" "Lois&Clark" show. Remember that Dean Cain? Remember Teri Hatcher? Wasn't that show great?
In summary, I probably have horrible taste in TV, but I honestly just watch whatever I like and keeps me entertained after a long and grueling week of work.
In other randomness, there's Hellboy II coming to cinemas next week and I might need a new mobile phone/ipod sometime soon. Tomorrow Apple will (probably) present new laptops. Don't tempt me, Steve Jobs!