Jun 17, 2005 09:34
Well yesterday was a bit...blah. Woke up, got my mater up, and we left to get Craig from the airport. Took him to the dentist, took a walk, went for lunch. Scooted over to my grandparents' place and stayed there for about 45 minutes. Guh. Not that it was painful, I just...really wanted to get my pictures from Target...and I wanted to be home. So we left them, got my pictures, and got home just as my dad pulled up. So he takes me to see Batman Begins-which is a lovely movie; I do so understand Bruce much better now. I've always loved Batman, though the cartoon-Batman. Probably because he was always so gloomy but he continued on and because I felt horrible for him that his love couldn't know who he was. Always made me sad. So it probably wasn't the best choice of the movie last night because I nearly cried a couple times and that's always embarassing. And Crane. -hangs head- He reminded me of Mike too much. -chuckle- I'm such a dork. But truly. Crane had those really blue eyes and dark hair and after the first couple scenes with him I couldn't find it in myself to look at him anymore. And Guinness, Liam. -whacks his shoulder- You go from Qui Gon Jin, the most awesome Jedi Master of my Ben, to this nift fighter man. You just have to luff Liam. (And Rowan's Liam too, since she probably perked up at the mentioning of that name. -grins at Rowan-) Almost cried in the car with my pater. /That/ was scary. I had to blink forever and hope that he didn't look over as the one tear slipped out. --; Hate that. Oh, and honestly...I have no appetite whatsoever. I have to force myself to eat because I know that I need to. I've eaten a total of two-three meals every day since Monday. I just have no hunger. Mater says it's because my depression is taking another turn and is making me not hungry. I tend to believe that. It's weird, though. Not having the urge to snack. And I've nearly cut out breakfast, which isn't a good thing. I need to find /something/ in this section 8 housing that will feed me in the morning. If I eat no other meal, I need to eat breakfast. -sigh-
Went to bed early-ish last night. Took a shower around 8 and collapsed onto the bed around 9ish. Woke up around 12, started thinking about Mike, and had to force myself to sleep again. (Guh...) Then woke up around 0540ish and came to the section 8 housing, brushed my teeth and put on my acne medicine and collapsed onto the floor...since I no longer have a bed here. Woke up around 0900 hours and tried on my dress and shoes for the wedding. I love the dress. V. pretty. It even has colour (Guinness forbid!)! But yeh. I luff it. And the shoes are actually pretty nift. They make my feet look petite. (Which is hard to do, let me tell you...) So yep. Then I got dressed for Jenny's party which I need to wake my mater up for... ^^ Too bad we packed the wrapping paper...'cause you know, that was smart. --; -chuckles- Oh well. Sorry Jen, your gift isn't going to be wrapped. But I'm sure I can find a rapper for you to write some lyrics... ^-^;; Just kidding.
So I'm trying to lift my spirits for Jen's party. ^^ I don't want to be responsible for the bad mood of the party. So I'm trying to convince Cigna to come out, but it seems all of the personalities have left. It's very lonely being left with just Beth and then Third-Person. -nods- Ah well. -grin- Beth is an assortment of all, therefore she should be able to lighten up.
My party is going to be such a crying thing. ^^; I swear, if someone starts to cry I'm going to beat them over and over again with my whoopin'-stick, as Slanga would say. Aw...I'll never see Slanga again, will I? That's so sad. No mote Sl4nginator. ^__^ L4t1n. Yay. -laughs- Good. Amusing myself is the first step towards amusing others. -dances around- Sing to me, Shaun! -skips to Shinedown- Sing to me, Smithy! -looks at Draiman- David, will you make me happy? Probably not. Probably only sad or mad. ^^; But I luff you anyway. -snuggles-
I think I'm going to convince my mater and Craig...ter (xD) to let me drag everyone to Florida with me. Including Mike. And I suppose I'd have to bring the boy-toys of my friends as well, huh? That would be more fair. So Sammi would bring Alex, Homa would bring Matt, and Meg would bring Kirk. There. Four guys and then all of my friends. -chuckles- That would be interesting. Probably best just to stay up hither. ^__^
If I decide that I am alive
Then I'm diseased and ungrateful
If I confide that I am alive
Then I'm diseased and ungrateful
If I decide that I am alive
Then I'm diseased and ungrateful
If I confide that I am alive
Then I'm diseased and ungrateful
Come sit close to me
Come sit close to me
Come sit close to me
Come sit close to me
Yes, I like randomly typing the parts of songs that I am listening to in my post. -lifts chin-
Well...I'm going to go...before I write another thousand pages of meaninglessness. -waves- Ta