Are you guys reenacting the Humpty Dumpty crime scene?

Sep 23, 2010 13:53

Galeee!!! ♥
That is all.

The Event.
I liked it. The cast is fantastic!
And plot looks promising.

Poll The Event
Please say aliens. lol

Hawaii Five-0.
Hawaii are really gorgeous.
Plot and acting could be better.
I'll keep watching for now.

Season 3 premier was brilliant!!! ♥♥♥
I loved all of them in it. I was laughing so hard at how hurt everyone was that Castle didn't call. EVERYONE!! Ha ha ha. Ryan and Esposito were too funny.

Ryan: Looks like he is back in the town.
Esposito: Nice of him to call.

Beckett: Ok, you guys can stop pining for your girlfriend, we got a body full of holes.

Ryan (looking at cutout of Castle): He really is ruggedly handsome.

Ryan: I almost shot Castle, what? He had a gun.
Esposito: Should have let you shoot him, would have served him right for not calling.
LMAO!!! I said the EXACT same thing!!!
I was wondering why Beckett didn't figure out what the bad guys were doing sooner, but aww - she let him solve it so he could come back. ♥
Oh, show!!! *draws little hearts all around it*

Was not impressed.

Still have
Undercovers to watch.

Smallville is back this Friday!!!!!
FINALLY!!! \o/

Anyone watching
Dark Blue?
It's on TNT, about special undercover cops unit.
Dylan McDermott, Omari Hardwick, Logan Marshall-Green (aka Tom Hardy's long lost twin) and Nicki Aycox are in it.
I watched the pilot last night and it looks good.

Icon Fest is still going on.
In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, it's like kink_meme, but for icons. You post prompts as new comments, and people fill them/make you an icon. Check it out.

tv show: hellcats, tv show: hawaii five-0, tv show: dark blue, tv show: chuck, tv show: castle, icons, tv show: the event

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