Loved the bickering between Arthur and Merlin. ♥ Dollop head! Mwah.
"You are such a girl's petticoat."
What kind of an insult is THAT?!
"Dollop head = Prince. Arthur." wins there.
"We're not playing hide and seek, Merlin."
Well, d'oh. That's something you do in your private chambers. Haven't you learned anything watching Torchwood, Arthur?!
Though, Arthur dear, no need to try so hard to be an ass. That part with the mop and bucket wasn't really necessary.
He was just messing with him on purpose because Merlin seemed happy.
Granted, Merlin listed "Morgana being back" as one of the reasons for his happiness, so the prat could possibly be jealous because he still thinks Merlin has a thing for Morgana. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Why, hello there, shirtless Arthur! :D
Look show, far be it for me to complain about fanservice. I won't even focus on the fact how it was not necessary for him to be shirtless in that scene - because, clearly, I understand that he gets the urge to take his shirt off as soon as he walks into his chambers and sees Merlin on his knees.
But. Do try to remember continuity in the form of that scar on his chest. Ya know, little thing from the Questing Beast? Mkay?
Merlin's sore bum!! Well, they did that on purpose. There is no way they did not know that would fuel fan fiction! :D
It's scary. It's not natural. It's almost as creepy as Sherlock being all nice and smiley in 1x02.
Hiii, Morgana, so nice to have you back!
Evil suits you. :)
Though ease up on the evil smirks a bit. That could get old really fast.
Loved Morgana/Arthur scene. But I kept being distracted by thinking "OMB,
waterfly89 must be squeeing so hard right now!!" ;)
It's nice that he seems to be the only one with whom she doesn't smirk evilly when they're alone.
I also liked the scene where Morgana apologized to Merlin. Probably my favourite acting from Katie in this episode.
Poor Merlin, waiting for the morning to see what Uther will do to him for poisoning Morgana. You were not very reassuring there, Gaius!!!
I won't even start with that voodoo doll/root thingy Morgause used to cast an enchantment on Uther. Have you seen that thing?! With the head, and two arms, and two legs, and...WELL. Go and watch that scene again!
And how the hell did Morgana get that thing under Uther's bed during night without him noticing??!!
And speaking of Uther and Morgana - the anvils! THE ANVILS!! First one actually hurt as it fell. Ha ha. That's gonna be one complicated family tree if they end up going the father/daughter route with them.
Blindfolded Arthur fighting was HOT! Like burning!
Him pulling Merlin's metaphorical pigtails and mocking him by demonstrating how he fights was funny. Merlin getting back at him, and pulling the cutest bitchface ever, was even more fun! :D
Loved how protective Arthur was of Uther. His scene with Gaius was fantastic!
I wanted to hug him when he cried next to Uther's bedside. :(
Did Merlin seriously tuck Uther in?! Ha ha. Priceless.
LMAO I'm sorry, I know it's not funny funny. But that's something you say about someone you think is evil. It's not something people/characters actually *do*. *amused*
I do like that they added that. Do not want mushy, fatherly, sympathetic Uther.
Morgana's red cape is so fierce! I always wanted one like that when I was a kid.
Her stabbing the guard and then poisoning him later to finish him of, on the other hand, was a bit too much evil at once. What were her and Morgause up to during the year we didn't see? O_o
Also, babe, those heels on stone floor are really too loud! Get this girl
Medieval Evil For Dummies pronto!
Morgause and Cenred = OTP!!
The only problem is deciding who is prettier! Ha ha!
"You are very beautiful when you're angry." :D
She is. She is. Damn fierce too.
And his outfit, I approve. I approve so much! He was such a hotass, on the horse, all leather and hair blowing in the wind.
And hello there LotR homage! Would that make Morgause Saruman?
Loved that Merlin witnessed Morgana removing voodoo root and figured it all out so fast.
But LMAO at
"Because he's already here!" Ha ha, work on your sneaking up to people skills, luv!
"All this so one day you can be a serving boy to the King. No. There's something MORE."
*smirk* Damn right there is! :D
ZOMB, I actually *gasped* when Merlin got stabbed. :(
Slash Dragon to the rescue!!!
Hello exotic barbeque!!!
Hello yet another LotR
rip off homage in the trailer. Hee!
This was FUN! \o/