1) Woot!! Two of my designs made it to the
final round of Orbit vgift LJ contest! :D
If you like my design I'd appreciate the votes. ♥ There's a neat prize for the winner.
Orbit Virtual Gift Finalist Poll.
2) There's a pretty badass list of
100 Sexiest Women in Science Fiction posted
here. Image heavy, but so worth it. :D
Agree? Disagree?
Secondly, I would've been surprised if Zoe hadn't made that top 100 list for the Sexiest Women In Sci-Fi. =P
Ha ha, agreed so much!!
I had a list in my head, and was ready to complain when someone's missing. But by the time I read the whole list - everyone I wanted to be on it, was! \o/ Doesn't happen often. Hee!
Very welcome! I also voted but it was difficult to do so - both designs were so very cool!
But by the time I read the whole list - everyone I wanted to be on it, was! \o/ Doesn't happen often. Hee!
The inhouse DW person was annoyed River rated more highly than any of the classic!DW companions!
I'm very glad she did as well! In my opinion? He's a classic!DW fan through and through.
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