It was a good episode.
It was not the Morgana we're all used to. But understandably so.
I don't enjoy seeing her vulnerable, I refuse to call her weak because she's anything but. But it was necessary for her to finally realize and face who she is. And dealing with what that might mean for her, especially living under Uther's watch, would scare everyone with common sense.
How cool is it that she has powers now? I hope she'll learn how to control them, and we'll see more of that.
Also, hopefully Gaius will stop drugging her constantly now. I get why he's doing it, but boy do I side with Merlin here.
Loved how concerned Uther was. I love when his kids are in danger, it always brings out the best of him. Well, if we ignore the whole "kill them ALL!" part of the story. ;)
The dragon can kindly go Eff himself. "The witch this, the witch that...yadda yadda, you can not know as much as I do." Guh! Can you bitchslap a giant reptile? So.Tempted. She might not turn evil, or whatever you think will happen, if you give her a chance and provide some guidance.
I loved Morgana's scenes with that druid guy. The whole "magic can be used as force for good" talk was great. Also, loved Merlin face when he heard that.
Merlin/Morgana scenes stole the episode.
I love them together. They have mad chemistry, and there's connection between them.
I love that she confided in him, and that he wanted to tell her about himself so badly. I actually thought he was going to do it, before that druid guy interrupted to tell them Arthur was entering the camp.
I'd ship those two, but I know TPTB are really against it (the whole re-shooting thing in Mordred episode in the first series). So I hope she'll keep trusting him, and maybe one day he'll tell her the truth about himself, too.
And Arthur, you stalker! lmao
What is he doing lurking in front of Morgana's room waiting for Merlin to show up?! >:)
Seriously though, now. I loved his concern for Merlin's feelings in this episode. After seeing the flowers I can't say I'm surprised he got the wrong idea, especially with all the sneaking around. And boy, does he project! lol Him talking about Merlin and Morgana, about Uther never allowing it and sticking to someone within your own class - it sounds like he's repeating what he told himself when it comes to Gwen. *pets*
And who cracked up with Merlin, over "wouldn't dream of it", after Arthur told him he can't hide anything from him?! Mwah! Granted, it almost immediately turned bitter/sweet because Merlin got that wistful look. :/
"Where are my flowers?" gets the Quote of the Episode award! That got me to laugh out loud.
Also, Arthur honey, jealous much? *g*
Some really cool stuff and effects in this episode. I loved Merlin levitating three things at the same time. And the fog was really cool, too.
Mordred's screaming was lame. But is that kid creepy, or what? O_o
Stop smiling, kid. It's just weirding me out even more!
And you could tell Merlin was remembering how this is the person who will kill Arthur one day, and went "Oh, shit!" when he saw Mordred use his powers.
Only complaint, and that's more of a general complaint about this season so far than about this episode - they need to learn how to balance the screen time of the core four better.
It's been Arthur&Merlin in 2x01, Arthur&Gwen in 2x02 and Morgana&Merlin in 2x03 so far this season. How 'bout an OT4 episode, mkay?
Also, would it kill them to let Arthur and Morgana interact? We couldn't even get a close up of the two of them on the horse? Really?! :(
My Smallville Metallo review will be posted tomorrow. I'm too tired tonight, and have too much to squee about. :D