
Feb 08, 2009 01:56

The review where I rant, swear, use a shitload of crude language, laugh, mock, defend the 'unredeemable' ones, theorize, speculate, and open myself to being called delusional and insane.
So if you're up for it, sit down and try to survive the ride. And please, do feel free to point fingers and mock my crazy ass at any point. ;)
Warning: it's really long.

1) Let me start by saying that never before did I witness the showrunners jizzing their pants like this and fucking over all the characters on the show just to make one guest star look good, other than in As You Were (when Riley got back on BtVS. And to this day that is still the most disgusting hour of television I *ever* saw).
It was disgusting to watch. You could almost hear them panting, about how awesome Lana is and how amazing it is to have KK back, as a soundtrack in the background.
Dear Bob men, get your hands out of your pants and start using your big brain! Just - EW!

2) I think it's obvious I did not get what I wanted.
What I hoped for was a mature resolution for Clana. One that would make them both look good, see them act as adults, and part as friends.
Clearly, the show once again wasn't able to resist the soap opera, and we got this instead.

And the one thing I will *never ever* forgive them for doing is what they did to Clark in this episode. Clois can be saved. Clark doesn't need redemption in my opinion. But the emotional damage they put him through and the state they left him in in this episode is unforgivable.
You do not get to take the choice away from him. You do not get to break him like that and leave him on the floor helpless. He's the MF-in' hero of this show, even if he's broken, he should be allowed the dignity to be left standing!
Show some motherfucking respect to Clark Kent, or get the fuck away from the show.

I have many problems with SuperLana, most of them are mentioned in my Power review.
I hoped this episode would solve some of those problems, but obviously it wasn't meant to be.
Lana gets to keep her powers, even though we've seen that normal humans aren't able to handle them, time and time before.
Lana walks away in a kryptonite filled suit! Now correct me if I'm wrong, but that thing isn't toxic only to Clark. Exposure to kryptonite created more than one meteor mutant, and most of them were not very friendly. So why does she get to prance around while radiating everyone around her at the same time?! Bloody hell!

And once again we're forced to endure an episode of SuperLana saving everyone and everything left and right, while Clark stands there passively, and doesn't get his chance to play a hero. Just who is this show about, again?!
Not only that, but every speech Clark made about the importance of human life, and about how it's not alright to kill no matter what (one of which he made *in this very episode*), is ignored and suddenly Clark has this desire to go after Lex just so we could see Lana give him the big speech about how killing is wrong, and he shouldn't do it. *headdesk* Bloody character assassination & utter stupidity, Batman!

Why they felt the need to walk all over Clark just to try and make Lana look good I'll never know.
Why they think any of this made Lana look good or empowered I'll never understand.
The fact remains that she got the suit because she didn't feel worthy enough as a regular human.
The fact remains that at first sign of trouble (bomb) she wasn't able to make a decision as heroes do, and had to look at Clark to make a decision.
The fact remains that she is no stronger as a person, superpowers or no, so when first obstacle to her relationship appeared she refused to look for an alternate solution (to get the kryptonite out of her system) and ran.
I'm sorry, but all the walking all over Clark and talk about how she's different or equal to others now, and all the new superpowers did nothing to convince me that Lana is a changed person. She seemed more empowered in Bride-Bulletproof. In the last episode they threw it all away. And in Requiem she left the same weak little girl who isn't able to grab her destiny in her hands and say "Fuck this, I won't accept this!" and fight for what she wants.
What was the point of her coming back I have no idea. But for all the talk about how she changed, only the haircut was new.

I also find it hilarious how after all the complains fans made over the years about how she's poisonous for the show, and how she destroys it every chance she gets, they made her literally toxic and deadly for Clark. I'm sure they were going for poetic and tragic, but the irony doesn't escape me.

Well, talk about there being an episode that doesn't make her look good!
First, what the hell? This week she didn't even mention her husband. And apparently it's OK to be at Ollie's bedside, but not at Jimmy's? Do they even realize how utterly bad this makes her look?
And then we find out that it was her who killed Sebastian, not Brainy. I can't say I'm surprised. I said right after that episode aired that I don't buy that it was Brainiac, since he had nothing to gain by keeping Clark's secret. But I really never thought they'd have the balls to go there.
This is unexpected to say the least.
Well, I really don't know what to expect anymore from Chloe. I'll just shut up and keep watching to see what they'll do with her. But for once I'm intrigued and have no idea where they're going with her. I have a feeling though that it's nowhere good.

Oh Smallville. You went too far, don't ya think?
OK, I get it - Ollie is our Bruce. You made sure we get that this year: his parents got killed when he was a kid, we had flashbacks to his training and start as a superhero, he bought the Daily Planet (well Luthorcorp, and the Planet goes with that) and now he has a kryptonite ring.
But good guys don't kill.
Yes, make him dark, and dangerous, and whateverthehellyouwant. But:
Good. Guys. Don't. Kill.

This will come back to bite him in the ass later on, I'm willing to bet on it.
I wouldn't be surprised if Clark found out, and they end up having a fallout over this. Then maybe they could both find some middle ground (where Clark isn't too soft and sees the other side, and where Ollie doesn't go too far), where they don't cross any lines, and keep each other in check, and become the heroes they're destined to be one day.

But once again, holy shit show - you had him kill someone! I know they'll redeem him with Lex not being really dead. But *still*!

But Ollie does get the award for best quote of the episode:
"You seem to be getting angry Winslow. Maybe you should take your toys and go home!"

"Clark Kent and Lana Lang, welcome to your destiny. You destroyed me in every way so now I'm going to take away what matters most to you."
Lex, step away from "Supervillains for dummies" please, it makes you sound ridiculous.

OK, kidding aside.
Lex sounded lame in this episode. The whole thing about how he returned just to tear Clana apart was lame. We can all admit it.
But think about it, there is *no way* he's dead.
Lana may have said that Lex has been three steps ahead of them all the time. But he was at least five steps ahead during the whole thing.
He knew exactly what they'll do and how they'll react.
He knew Lana wouldn't be able to resist the PowerSuit.
He knew Clana would end up on that roof, and Clark would choose Metropolis over Lana because it's the right thing to do.
So does anyone think there was a chance Lex wouldn't know that:
- Clark would be pissed and go after Lex
- Ollie would still want Lex dead
- Chloe would be there to help Ollie, and they'd find the truck.
Something happens to Lana, Clark thinks Lex is responsible and goes after him (like when he thought he blew her up in her car). Checked.
Ollie still hates Lex and wants him dead (he must know that, because he was monitoring everyone through Tess, and saw her interactions with Ollie). Checked.
Ollie is responsible for blowing up the truck. Clark witnessed that. Clark thinks Lex is dead.
Lex can continue watching everyone without worrying they are still looking for him.
Plus, he gets to enjoy the fallout when Clark learns it was Ollie who made the call to kill Lex -> Clark wants nothing to do with Ollie. If he finds out Chloe knew about it too -> Clark wants nothing to do with Chloe.
It's a perfect way to alienate Clark from everyone and leave him alone and vulnerable. And no one will suspect him, because he's "dead".
It's a brilliant plan.
Granted, it depends if those bozos in the writing room have that much creativity left to think of something like this and pull it off. But if that's even close to where they're going - it will be brilliant, and worthy of a villain of Lex's calibre.

I also must say that I liked Clark's little goodbye to Lex scene. ♥ One more scene that shows that, no matter what, Clark always has a difficult time letting someone go.

Going back to immature for a sec, the Clex fan in me can't help but giggle over how Lex's kryptonite bomb plan had everything to do with assuring that Clark wouldn't get laid. lmao What?! It so does.

How creepy and cool was he?
I wish there was more of him in the episode because I really enjoyed him. Please bring him back (in a less lame episode next time).
I love how he's living in his little world, does the things he likes, and has no scruples whatsoever to achieve what he wants, and even manages to do a delicious twist of personal vendetta with things like 53 claps (go killer monkeys!). Mwah! Uber-neat!
Plus, what's not to like from a villain who handcuffs half-naked guys to bed? >:) Just sayin'...

Though, even though Toyman was the one playing with toys in this episode, it was obvious that Lex was the master puppeteer. So I'd like to see Toyman act on his own in the future. Pretty please?

I saw talk how Clark is unredeemable thanks to this episode. Excuse me, but what? He didn't kill anyone, he didn't hurt anyone. The idea is ridiculous.
I saw talk how this Clark could never be Superman. Again with what?
There's talk that he's too broken and will never be able to move on and find happiness again. Eh, I'll disagree once again.
Now let me start with explaining my point of view.

I am not happy with what happened in the last two episodes. It was not how I wanted the Clana story to go. In fact, it's the worst way they could have picked to resolve it.
I wanted to see some maturity and mutual agreement that they've moved on.
Instead we saw the return of Clana, and the break up forced on them.

What I saw in the last two episodes was Clark Kent regressing back to his season 7 persona. He lacked confidence and conviction he had in first half of this season. It's probably not what they wanted us to see, but it doesn't change the fact that it's exactly how it played out. The fact that they didn't let him do anything just enforced it. As soon as he hooked up with Lana he was back to his "happy in relationship domesticated Clark", and his RedBlueBlur career was put on hold.
So lets stick with what we did see:
- we know Clark wants someone in his life, someone to make it all worth it.
- Clark wants someone to share his life with, someone to work with him side by side. Someone like his parents found in each other.
- Clark has endless capacity to love and isn't afraid to give his all and go for it, if he believes he can make something work.
- Clark let go of Lana on the Daily Planet roof, when he told her she has to dismantle the bomb, and chose Metropolis over her.
- Clark had difficulty (yeah OK, that's putting it mildly) saying goodbye to Lana, and the life he believed they could have had, in that last scene.
- Clark doesn't give up and is willing to keep looking to find a solution (to fix the suit).
- Clark let [Lana] go.

So here is what I saw in the last few episodes.
Clark was finally letting go of Lana and the past, and he acted accordingly when she returned. It wasn't until he saw Danny and his family, and Danny asked him if there's someone in his life who makes it worth it that he thought about going after Lana again. Clark wants the whole perfect picture, the normal life and family, and he was happy with Lana once so it makes sense he'd turn to her. We learn that he always wanted someone to share his life with and to work with him side by side, so when Lana gets her powers and tells him they're equals now and can go on and save the world together - he lets himself believe it's possible and he finally found what he wanted all along. But ask yourself this - does that description fit Lana before she got her powers? Clark was all about settling down with her on the farm, not about having some big destiny and being a hero, with someone by his side. And Lana, as we saw in Power, sure as hell didn't feel like she can be with him as his equal, not without powers.
And even if he thinks he finally has his perfect life, when faced with a choice, Clark's hero side kicks in and he chooses Metropolis over Lana. It's the right choice. But it also proves that when it comes down to it, Clark can't fight who he is. He's a hero. He'd never be able to settle down and ignore his destiny. And while that little fact doesn't matter much while Lana has powers now, it says a lot about how their relationship would never have worked *before*, because he wouldn't be able to play normal or settle down and live a normal life on the farm, and she never would have felt like she can compete with him while he's living the life he's destined to.
Now lets look at the two super-powered people in a relationship, shall we.
They are on the roof, there's a bomb, there's a choice to save the town but end up separated, or pick their relationship over doing the right thing. That's it, right? NO.
What happened to Clark "We do not kill Chloe Sullivan" Kent? The guy who does not accept that there are only two options? We are talking about the guy who put saving the world on hold to find the *third option*. Now, that's Superman. When he wants something, he'll find a way.
And they couldn't find a way to take care of that bomb? They both have superpowers. How hard was it to find some lead, put it around the bomb, use heat vision from floor below, cut around the bomb, and then carry the thing away from the roof to explode somewhere else? Or find some other solution. Or, you know, at least *try*. No, it was all "oh we have no choice. if we do this we can never be together. it's so tragic. oh, alright!" *headdesk* Obviously, truly the stuff legends are made of.
Add to that the last scene, and how they didn't even try to find a fix. They gave up based on what Dr.Grohl told them. L.M.A.O. Sure, because Lex orchestrated the whole thing, but there's no chance whatsoever that maybe, just maybe, he has the good doctor on his payroll and made him do all this (since we know Lex predicted what Lana would do, whom she'd turn to help for, and how she'll go after the suit). Even without Dr.Grohl, there's FoS, and Jor-El. They don't even consider asking him for help. They nothing.
I'm sorry but that does not sound like Clark Kent I know, one that would do *anything it takes* to fix something.
So I have to wonder, how much of the pain in that last scene has to do with losing *Lana*, and how much of the pain in that last scene has to do with being frustrated and helpless that he had no choice in the matter, and accepting that he has to let go of the dream of ideal future he finally thought he found and believed he might have with *someone*.
Clark Kent in a fascinating individual. He is willing to put himself through that much pain just to kiss her goodbye. It's what he does, he's able to love that much.
But unlike others, I did not see this episode as him loosing "the one". If she were, he would have fought harder to keep her.

Like I said above, I do not see these two as some big epic love story about two soulmates. Seriously, are we gonna start listening to Lex now?
All big love stories are about lovers who have obstacles keeping them apart, and them fighting to get back together.
Clark and Lana on the other hand manage to create their obstacles every time, and then give up without fight. If it wasn't this, it would have been something else. Like it always was.
I'm sorry, but she is not the one who got away. She ran. He let her.
They didn't even *try* to fight for it.
That ain't True Love. It's Doomed Love.
And it defines Clana really well. Because they always manage to make themselves miserable in the end, never work through their problems, and someone always gets hurt.
It is why they could never be.
It is why Clark Kent could never become Superman while with Lana Lang. Because Superman is not about tragedy and loss and giving up. He's about joy and giving people hope. And that's pretty much as far away from Clana as possible.

So they can talk and talk about how Clana is some big tragic epic love story. But I was never one to believe in words, give me actions any day.
Don't tell me - show me. If something is worth having, it's worth fighting for. And that's something I did not see here.

I don't think what happened in this episode makes Lois Clark's second choice. There's a lot of talk of that, so I thought best to start with that. :)
Clark is not one to give up, as we've seen many times. He's the first one to say "there *must* be another way!" It's who he is. He doesn't give up when he wants something, believes in something.
If he didn't want to let Lana go, he'd do anything to go and find a 'cure'. He wouldn't be *able* to move on or let go. He's just not that kind of man.
And he's especially not the guy to be with someone else while he's still in love with his ex. He'd rather be alone and hope that things might change in the future, and something might come up and then he'd go find Lana and they could be together. It's what he does - he hopes for the best. He believes in it. It's what his whole character is based on.
So no, I don't think Clark would ever go after anyone else if he didn't truly let go of Lana.
Do I like how they did it? Hell no. They forced him to do it, instead of letting him realize it's something he wants. I can't forgive them for what they did to Clark. They took the choice away from him, they broke him once again and then kicked him while he was down.
He will pick himself up again, but I hate that they put him through it all again.
He deserves better.
But the end result will be the same.
The fucked up part of course is that it regresses his character back to where he was when season 7 ended.

But here's a
controversial thought:
I don't believe Clark is completely as he was at the end of season 7. I believe he has some sort of feelings for Lois. I don't think he's aware of it yet, but I'm pretty sure they're there.
He made the move and asked her to dance in Bride. He didn't deny anything when Chloe asked him about it in Bulletproof.
He wouldn't be the first poor loser to be in love with two people at the same time. Even though he still has no idea what the hell is going on, and what his feelings are about Lois. But I'm calling it now - something will happen, and he'll get a good kick in the ass, and realize what was in front of him all this time. And it will happen before the season ends.
Hopefully, they'll do it *right*. I'm not sure I trust them, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
It could all go terribly wrong, and Clark could end up looking really really bad. But not necessary, there are ways to pull it off. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Call me insane, but I've been through worse. I was there after Seeing Red and attempt rape, and said "The ship ain't dead yet." And this sure as hell ain't much different than Cyberwoman, with Ianto=Clark, Jack=Lois, and Lisa=Lana. I'll be damned if I let *Smallville* out of all shows kill my faith and break me. No.Chance.In.Hell.

I do have some idea
why so many fans are really pissed at Clark. And how they could fix that.
a) Clark made a move on Lois in Bride.
He grabbed her hand, didn't let her leave the dance floor and lean in for the kiss.
Then he went all ga-ga for Lana, and forgot about Lois while she wasn't there.
Yes, it sucks and hurts. But what one has to remember is that there was no relationship between Clark and Lois, no promises, he has no idea what he feels for her, and there's tons of baggage between him and Lana.
It's a mess, but he didn't exactly cheat.
b) We, the audience, are Lois.
It should be Clark with whom we identify with, and through whose eyes we watch the story. But it isn't, it's Lois. It was her side of the story we witnessed. It was her we saw fall for Clark every step of the way. It's her whose feelings we know, and so it's her we cheer for.
So when Clark does something to hurt Lois, even when she's not there, he hurts *us* and we think he's a jackass.
The writers better realize this soon and let us see what Clark feels, or they'll lose even more viewers and Clark will loose even more sympathy.
c) We have no idea what is going on in Clark's head, least of all in his heart.
He talked to no one this season. The whole first part of the season we were in the dark.
They need to let us know what is going on with him, and give us some insight.
If they fix this in the remaining episodes a lot can be salvaged.

11) This scene with
Toyman, and his complete madness and glee at the destruction he's causing:

The first thing that came to my mind while I was watching this scene (and I kid you not - I burst out laughing really loud) was "I bet this is how PS3 looked when they were writing/filming this episode, and imagining the fandom tear itself down after it airs!"
I am sure of it. They are crazy and evil. There is no other explanation.
And yes, my brain is a scary place sometimes. :)

All that said, and I said
a lot,
thank you for reading my long review/rant. I needed to get all that out of my head so it wouldn't explode. :)

And now, poll time!

Poll Requiem

tv show: smallville - episode review, !: rant, tv show: smallville

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