Hey Kal, where's your cape?

Jan 17, 2009 22:59

Generation Kill.
OK. Everyone who said it rocks was right. It's fun, action packed, the cast is great, characters are amazing. Brad and Ray are my favourites. Shocking, I know. ;)
It's like this generation's Band of Brothers.
Also, love the little singing performances when they're driving. Tainted Love was great, ha ha.

Psych is back! And not just as on TV, but back as damn funny as hell. The last two episodes were amazing!
I'm still cracking up over the whole "This is like 'Out of Sight'. But supergay." thing! And the sea lion! With the funeral, and open casket and Lassie thinking "theseaslion" is a French name! Priceless.

And this week. Aw, it was great to see Lassie and the boys being nice to each other for once! Some of the favourite parts were the Jackal switch, former lovers (!! mwa ha ha ha), Lassie keeping so many spare guns, Gus and Shawn eating something all the time and then focusing on cupcakes when Jules talked, Lassie driving Henry insane, little Shawn wanting to be executed (that just doesn't sound right, when you mention it out of context. lol).

Smallville - Legion

Clark! ♥
I love our boy, even more than usual, when he's all heroic like this. :D
The fact that he never gives up is one of the reasons why I love him so much.
And once again he found a way to save the day without anyone getting hurt. \o/
Plus, I'm happy he heard that he'll make such an impact on the future and that he's the reason why aliens will be welcome on Earth in the future. :)

Legion was cool.
It was kinda strange that they didn't know that Superman doesn't kill (seriously, what was up with *that*?!). But the rest was great.
Plus, they were such fanboys/fangirls! \o/
Garth in particular was hilarious! I imagine if Superman was real, and you'd let one of us meet him and go to his home/FoS that's *exactly* how we'd act! lol He's one of us, he's a fanboy! :D

"Hey Kal, where's your cape?"

"But one day you'll be known as Super..."

"Kal, shouldn't we have this conversation up in the air?"
Tee hee.

"You can't fly. Rokk, what's up with that?! :("

"No glasses, no tights, no flights."
I know!!

"I'm ready for a techno exorcism."

"Could I keep this, as a souvenir?"
"Would you sign it?"
He asked for an autograph!! LMAO!!! Just how amazing is this kid?! A Lot!! A LOT.
And then we get Clark grinning his thousand watt smile at that and OMB I just died a bit, OK?! ♥

Also, was it just me or did anyone else think that the guys also wanted in on the action after Imra kissed Clark goodbye? Because I swear, I thought when Rokk leaned in that he was going to smooch him and not shake his hand. Mwah!

Dear Legion,
please come back.
Because, fangirling/fanboying - you're doing it right!
- Cris

Brainiac...didn't work for me.
That was an interesting performance from Alison. A good, somewhat creepy, evil role. But *that* was not Brainiac.
We've seen Brainiac on the show, and he's not a sweaty stoned junkie who hasn't slept for 10 days so he's dead behind the eyes. The hell?! If anything, this looked more like Lana in Void than Brainy.
Now I know it's not really fair to expect from people to follow James's footsteps, because seriously - nobody will do it as good as him. But for me Laura did a much better job last year, she even got some of traditional Marsters ticks down really well. While this looked nothing like Brainiac as he's been established in the past on the show. That alone was distracting enough and made it impossible for me to get into the storyline.
I know Marsters is probably too expensive for the show at the moment. But seriously guys, if you can't do it properly just leave the storyline alone.

Speaking of the host.
Is there a reason why
Chloe got her memories back? I'm not even questioning how was that possible.
It seems weird to make a big deal out of it, and devote an entire episode to her losing her memories, just to give them back few episodes after that.

Also, anvils of her death were strong, weren't they?

"We've never heard a thing about any Chloe Sullivan."
And Chloe telling Clark to make the right decision and save the world and not her if it ever comes to that.
Then again, I don't think they have the balls to kill her off, except maybe in the last episode, so lets leave it at that.

And no, I don't think she'll change her name and become one of the canon characters. If anything, this episode proved that theory wrong. If she was someone from Clark's adult future life the Legion would have recognized her, as they knew every nook and cranny about Superman's life (they even recognized his high school clothes).

I kind liked
Lana in this episode. I know, I'm also surprised to say it, it's been a looong time.
Minus few things that made me roll my eyes or yell frustrated at the monitor (yes Lana, you'd never ask Clark to kill anyone, but you were sure how killing Lex was a good idea and hoped Clark would agree and help. but then again, maybe like the rest of us, Geoff is also repressing the crap that was season 7).
I liked that she wanted to help. I'm surprised, but OK, with the idea that they gave her more to do in the future/canon and that she'll have some big destiny of her own. I guess they need a reason to sent her away in 3 episodes. Plus, this finally gives her something to do rather than to just stand around and play someone's love interest.
I liked her scenes with Clark. They seem close and like they genuinely care for each other, but can't say I was picking up any crazy in love vibe. If anything, this was the first time I thought these two might actually work as friends because they were able to talk and give support when the other one needed it. Maybe I'll get my wish after all, maybe they'll fix the mess known as Clana and let them part as friends.
I also loved her destiny talk, because I agree with what was said.
Can we keep Geoff Johns for three more episodes? He really does seem to write Lana Lang I enjoy, I'd like to keep that.

Other stuff:
- The Persuader looked like he'd fit easier on the Merlin set. :)
"Put you AC foot in your DC mouth."
Mwa ha ha! Brilliant!
"In the future, we've heard of Lois Lane, we've heard of Lana Lang, we've even heard of Jimmy Olsen, but there is no record of a Chloe Sullivan."
Lois mention! \o/
- I loved how Saturn Girl is all "I'm from the future", and Lana is all "It's alright, we'll get you help, you poor deluded person." lmaooo
They overdid the whole fangirling part for my taste. But I'll take this to mean Imra likes Lana who we are yet to see, or you know not - because she'll leave and then be cool somewhere else, and that's why she's such a fangirl.
- Alicia! ♥
- What is it with this show and balls? And balls being all powerful? *smirk* You have purple ball for Clark. Black one for Brainy. Dare I even guess what colour Doomsday might get once they defeat him? >:)
"Kal, be careful in the days ahead."
Oh that was *so* subtle! lol
- Doomsday. Yeah. Still don't care.
Not when he's all emo!medic.
But give Sam a shirt, poor boy is more shirtless than dressed, it must be annoying for him.

Or in short, Clark and superhero stuff rocked. Others I could do without.
Not surprisingly, an episode that centres around Clark, when he alone is expected to make it work, works just fine for me as long as the focus doesn't shift from him. Shocking, I know. ;)

tv show: smallville - episode review, tv show: smallville, tv show: generation kill, tv show: psych

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