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Sep 09, 2008 19:13

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - 2x01

Great start of the season!
First scene/montage was brilliant. Loved the song. It was like some cool fan video. :D

I wanted to smack John when he put the chip back in, because there was no sure way of knowing if Cameron lied or not. I wanted to get her back of course, but that was reckless.
Her pleading was interesting to say the least. Love? It just seemed off, sounded kinda wrong. You know?
But still, that is what makes Cameron the most interesting character.
I said after watching the pilot episode last year that it would be weird if John and Cameron got close, and something happened to her and while trying to fix her he ends up being the one responsible for the start of Skynet. Probably not. But would they go there, when it comes to emotions between the two?

So who killed that guy in the house? Was it Sarah or John? I'm thinking maybe John?

And heh. He cut off his bangs of emo-ness! Like with Peter on Heroes, the loss of bangs symbolises the great change within. Yes, that amused me a lot. :D

Interesting end. I'm not into movies, but I remember the morphing Terminator.
It will certainly make things more interesting.

Prison Break - 4x03

Season 4 is so good!
I'm talking season 1 good!!
Oh show, so good to have you back!!

I love how fast and action packed the episodes are. And the twists are great.
And the dynamics between characters are perfect!

Linc/Alex stole this episode!
Linc's face when he heard Alex talking on the phone, and heard he lost his son. Sticking up for him when annoying new tech guy was insulting him. THE LAST SCENE!!! Oh man! How brilliant was that last scene? My heart broke for Alex. And Linc shook his hand and promised to help. OH BOYS!!

Sara/Michael/Alex/Linc. New OT4.
Yeah. What?
They are all awesome. And are all shippable. Except for Michael/Linc of course, because incest is gross.
I want the 4 of them to stay together forever. :D

"Alex, I'm so glad you joined us."
You said it Michael! :D

Michael/Sara scene at the end was sweet.

"I came back from the dead, right?"
Mwa ha! Reassuring!

Alex talking about his family and stargazing was sad. :(

Sara going all Alias was awesome.


Also, new credits are pretty.
But why is Dominic billed higher than Went?

tv show: prison break, tv show: sarah connor chronicles

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