My resolutions

Jan 03, 2007 17:41

For I am a lemming too, and shall jump off the cliff with the rest of them. And it is only cut cuz I wrote 13 and i want to save your friend's page.

1. Take better care of my body. This encompasses a lot, including going to see NF specialists and eating better.

2. Be cleaner. I'm a messy girl, but it is time to start cleaning up better, and such. I want people to come over a lot when we get to Denton, and I want the place to need maybe a five minute sweep before company arrives, not a 30 minute cram fest.

3. Stop being so lazy. Part of this is included in the cleaning thing, but just in general as well. I need to be more ambitious and get stuff done.

4. Start college. I refuse to work at walmart till I can't work anymore.

5. Be more positive. There is something in the air around me, either at home, or at work, or something, but it is nasty and it is taking over my attitude. I want the bright girl I used to be back.

6. Meditate. I am not religious, and I am confused right now. I need to meditate for awhile at least once a week, and get my scattered self back together.

7. Write more. It doesn't necessarily have to be poems or stories or whatever. I just need to write. I restarted my journaling that I used to do, and I wrote over 10 pages in three days. I need to write more, it centers my thoughts anyway.

8. Learn a new skill. I don't want my brain going stale, and I have some hobbies, but more are always good, so it's time to learn how to do something new. Any suggestions?

9. Get a tattoo. Sometime, before I turn 21 I am going to afford to get a tattoo. If I can deal with a swelling tumor all my life, a little bit of scratching should be no prob, bring it on! lol

10. Read more, and more meaningful books. I always resolve to read more. Reading and writing are my escapes. I am not just me, I am the character and I can do anything. I also need to read more adult things, that make you use your brain just a bit. My manager suggested My Antonia (which I had been planning to read eventually anyway).

11. Find a spot in nature for myself. This goes with the meditate one. I need to get in touch with the world around me. You wouldn't believe the world of good that was done for me just sitting in the park for less then an hour on tuesday. Just get some sunshine and breathe fresh air.

12. Cook more meals. I love to cook. I don't like cooking strictly for myself, but amanda and I like to trade off cooking, and I got a Rachel Ray cookbook for Christmas, I want to use it. I enjoy eating more then poor college kid food. I can afford slightly better then that.

13. Get out of walmart. This is here every year, we'll see what happens this year. The environment in that store doesn't seem to be good for me physically or mentally, but a girl does need to eat, so I shall be there until an alternative comes along. I would just like to get in a better place soon. Here's hoping.

Nothing too difficult, but nothing too specific either, so I don't feel defeated if i don't something just like I resolve to. If I hit one kind of hurdle, or I stumble a bit, I am easily derailed on a misson. Thus, if my goal isn't too specific, I'll still get there, even if it isn't to a letter.

love to all, blessed be and such. *hugs*

Just over a week till CC I am so ready!
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