Dec 09, 2006 22:46
Okay. Action packed weekend update comin' at 'cha. I got to go to a LAN party on Friday. Oodles of fun. :D Lost miserably at a japanese version of a new Naruto game. I have a newly found love for Kankuro, and a continuing love for Shikamaru. <3 And I finally got people to somewhat appreciate my geekdom with their own. :3 A bunch of people from Comp. Sci were there and there's this one guy, Marshall, who is flipping awesome. He's supposed to be cosplaying as Shika at A-Kon 18. Lots of people are supposedly going this year. But omfg yea. <3!!
At this party there was this amazing thing called a WII set up. LUFFLE much to the Wii. I hope that we win a raffle for it. *crosses her fingers* I beat Kenny in Boxing and Tennis. >3 *roxxorz* But I killed my arm playing baseball. It's sore. T^T Oh. And I freaked everyone out because I had a Vault drink thing. >3 'Twas funny to see their reactions to me being on a caffeine high. Apparently I sound like I'm drunk or something. o.o; It'll be even funnier to see their reaction when I get together with people at A-kon and go nutso. <3 Anyway. Moving onto tonight...
If you couldn't tell that would be me spazzing alllll over The Holiday. Omfg. It was sooo good. Go see it if you want something totally adorable and lovey-dovey and Christmas-y all in one. <33 I got to see it with my mom, which was bunches of fun, and we went out to eat at La Madeline's afterwards. Chicken Cordon Bleu and Potato soup for the winz. <3 Then shopping ensued for her White Elephant/Secret Santa/wtfever gifts she needed. Aaaand the stuff that I'm getting everyone. Hand drawn laminated Christmas cards and something else of which I'm not giving away~ <3
And we got clay!! <3!!! I'm excited. I'm going to be messing with it all night. But it's the wrong kind for my project, maaaybe. I dunno what exactly I'm doing yet. Dadgum indecisiveness. >.<
*goes to play with her clay now*