This is fun:
My Personal DNA Report: Benevolent Creator This is WAY fun:
The Lego Suicides This is um. . .wise.
an interesting translation (on? of? from?)
lao_tzu Want to take over the world?
Think again.
The world's a holy place.
You can't just fuck around with it.
Those who try to change it destroy it.
Those who try to possess it lose it.
With Tao, you push forward,
or maybe you stay behind.
Sometimes you push yourself,
other times you rest.
Sometimes you're strong,
sometimes you're weak.
Sometimes you're up,
and sometimes you're down.
A Master lives simply,
avoiding extravagance and excess.
And this I just had to post.
It reads like a celar and direct message about family constellations.
Attention please.
This is your ancestors speaking.
We've been trying to reach you
through your dreams and fantasies and meditations,
but you don't seem to have heard us.
That's why we've been forced
to borrow the Televisionary Oracle.
So listen up.
We'll make it brief.
The fact is
you're at a crossroads
analogous to a dilemma
which has mystified our biological line
for six generations.
We beseech you now
to master the turn
that none of us have ever figured out
how to negotiate.
Heal yourself
and you heal all of us.
~ The wonderful and amazing, Rob Breszny, in
The Televisionary Oracle