Feb 27, 2006 02:11
Had an amazing night friday, even though I didn't think I'd be able to stay awake for most of it. Had 3 hours sleep the night before and was trapesing around Chi all day back and forwards from Ed and Christina's house. Quite a gang of us went to Slinky in the end, Me, Robby, Ed, Christina, Emma (Christina's niece), Matt (Christina's brother), Jess, Dani and Moody. Had a few beers on the coach and felt a bit tipsy and paid for a few extortionate ciders in there as well. Long story short, after a 'boost of energy' I was up near the front fucking loving it. After becoming a complete cliche and hugging everyone and telling them they're great, we got back on the coach aroud 4 and i slept for a bit. Woke up and chatted to Matt for a while (he's had a book published aparently), then we headed back to Ed's. Crashed out pretty quickly after that. All in all, great fun.