Comment with "I WISH I COULD QUIT YOU!" and I will...
1. Respond with something random about you.
2. Tell you which color you remind me of.
3. Tell you my first memory of you.
4. Tell you what animal you remind me of.
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you.
6. Tell you my favorite thing about you.
7. Tell you my least favorite thing
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2. Ever since you named your favorite colors, I think of the pretty shades for a bruise. Since most bruises are beautiful. >.>;
3. It involved a lot of blushing and smiling on HoN.
4. A kitten. Because I want to just pet you all day.
5. I wonder plenty about you and this one is difficult to answer. :/ Why do you make me wonder so?
6. Everything.
7. ;~;.................... But, I love everything.
8. I received this from you, so... *Ignores number 8*
9. You get two!
10. *Sip sip!*
11. Currently 5:55PM
12. Poor thing.
2. Ironic how a lot of pretty things aren't so great.
3. ... yeah, a lot xD
4. ... this is the second time I've gotten kitten IS THIS A SIGN ///////
5. D-do I really? I tell you a lot more than I do other people, I don't try to hide anything from you.
6+7. ffffff not fair ^/////^
9. 8D /feels special!
10. *drinks tea with you*
11. Well crap I'm late.
12. ... pffffffff that shouldn't have been funny >3>;;;;
2. Much like a building on fire. >.>
4. Clearly you should just grow ears and a tail. *Nod nod*
6 + 7. It's the truth though. ^.^
12. It made me giggle. xD;
4. ffffff /////
6+7. ♥
12. Same xD;
Also! I completely missed number five. x.x
5. I know you do, but that does not mean I cannot help but wonder more. It's natural human curiosity. >.> Though I figure my level of curiosity is slightly higher than most when it comes to you. ^.^;;
5. If you ever wonder, you can just ask ^.^
5. I have to form them into coherent thoughts first. xD;
5. xD All right.
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