Feb 27, 2006 09:26
alright i know i havnt been a good boy lol, I have been just...relativily happy :) and as you all know..im not that great of a kid. Nope i havnt been arested recently or drunk as hell. but i have been offered ;)
Yeah deanna and I broke up and this is possibly a turning point in my life. knowing that you know...how much i liked life? well Yeah she meant everything to me. my heart. my soul..everything..how gay does that sound? i didnt know if was going to gay when i lost her lol, jk cuz dude ewwwwwwwwwww anyways. I like boobies..
a random quote ""
deanna and I broke up the 19th, a sunday. and she went out with this kid john now. I dont really care about him cuz he is ann anooyin faggot. but If she likes faggots go ahead and kill me..well he is just a fucking rapper/gangster. and i was never that lol, i hated rap music unless it was around her and I hate rappers,gangsters and everyone who is full of themself. Like john. but this leads me to my point
I dont need her and stuff like that. I have friends and awesome ones at that. They're the ones that keep me going and shit. Im heading to UConn, and yeah. Becoming a pharmacist right?
I have so much fun with shayla, like the gurl rocks in every way. what better than a cute girl in a sexy body with u know a great personality. heh..reminds me of this girl hannah i knew in grade school. she was funny and blonde. but yeah shes portugease and well..so am i . maybe thats why we get along so easily.
We made a boobie wall and found a purse..and dude..it was loaded jk.
heh I had so much fun like last night we were wrestling and shit and stuff. and I wanted her id card cuz you know it rocks like that. SoOOo i tryed getting and and shit and lifted her up to put her on the couch..well...she told me it was n her purse and i dropped her?~ omg..i dont usualy do that..
especialy when she wieghs nothing!! sowwie. and then after we were watching ninja turtles with my nephew and they were like not animated sooo it suckeD! even tho shayla thinks there cute..but where the kung foo? lol . So shayla and i were having a little fun on the couch and my nephew was teasing her. saying stuff like..Your joeys gf. and shit like that lol. Heeeehhh. didnt mean to say .hell no :) cuzy eah...well...maybe i did mean to say it but i didnt mean it :) ;)
My nephew is going to become a rockstar one day and yeah. He wants to become me "~!? yeah tahts what i said... No he wants to play guitar and do everything like uncle joey does. heh.. i am like..a role model to that kid. I brought him to Sam goody and He picked out the guitar. next week i think im going to buy it for him. and start lessens every week. trev wants to play bass tho.im like..nah man u wanna go guitar. anyways its a little peavey kid size guitar. just for the frets and the strings so he can play the rite cords, He just turned 6 last month. I taught him how to mosh :D and he has alot of fun doing it. especaily when its me and john and him. lol we recorded it on digi and sent it to alot of people..but i dont think i have it anymore..it looked like trev was getting beat up and my cuz john would keep taking my bass and making close ups of him playing it.. . Mudvayne was playing in the background so oo yeah. lol..john and i were really beating eachother up and he's lke 2 years younger than me if not 3 hehh
he plays elec guitar and try's to play the bass lol..I taught him how to play the bass. so yeah. Were going on tour next year hopefully. Rich sent me in a email forwarded from the company sponsoring the tour. :) life is getting somewhere. I lost my job :( but im getting a new one soon. and I have all the time in the world to be bored. so kill me. heh.
Shayla is sexii and thats all im saying
late-r kids,