Jan 16, 2009 20:35
So, I don't have a lot to update today. On a professional note, we're not even going to come CLOSE to beating or meeting our sittings goal(we're gonna be off by about 10)... but, we can SO beat our sales goal. We only need to make $559 to make our goal. And we have, like, 9 sittings booked. So we totally got this. Gonna be a cake walk.
So I go in and out of my little phases of obsessions with it, but I'm totally back into Pokemon. Again. I went so far as to buy the Diamond version; I already had Pearl. I also pre-ordered Platinum. I'm such a nerd. Ha ha.
So of COURSE you know, if you've known me any length of time, that I live for American Idol. I can't remember life before I started watching(I didn't start watching American Idol until its 3rd season). So I already have a favorites list going...
- Emily Wynne-Hughes
- Arianna Ahfar
- Stevie Wright
- Michael Sarver
- Brianna Quijada
- Deanna Brown
- Cody Sheldon
- Alex Wagner-Trugman
- Scott MacIntyre
- Michael Castro
- Matt Brietzhke
- Jessica Furney
- India Morrison
- Danny Gokey
- Anoop Desai
- Lil Rounds
- Ashley Anderson
- Casey Carlson
I'll keep you posted...