
Mar 06, 2006 20:42

Dear Arizona Freeway Drivers,

Just because there *happens* to be a space which appears to be conveniently the exact size and shape of your vehicle, I am in NO WAY inviting you to occupy it. That space is narrowly protecting me from certain death under the very real threat that the car in front of me (which is helping to define said space) will brake suddenly and force me to do the same. If said scenario should come to pass, the space, which in your self-absorbed ignorance you would freely pervade, would cease to exist. Should you happen to be in that space at said time... we would all die. Instantly. So really, the next time you cut me off, I might be forced to implement the removal of your spleen, via toothpick, nail file, and/or toothbrush.

Yours most lovingly,
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