disc two : the aftermath
➤one. "battlecry" by metric
{Forgetting all you wanted
you have to ask me for nothing
You're giving all you want
you have been asking for nothing}
➤two. "the greatest" by cat power
{Once I wanted to be the greatest
No wind or waterfall could stall me
And then came the rush of the flood
The stars at night turned deep to dust
Melt me down
into big black armor}
➤three. "cabaret fortune teller" by audra
{If you say everyone
Was meant to be together
Then we can laugh
A revolution against the kings
Against yourself, I remember}
➤four. "expect no mercy" by nazareth
{But wait 'till you get out there
You better do it right
Cause the streets are lined with things that kill
And they're hidin' in the night}
➤five. "seven lives" by in strict confidence
{All I want is to fullfill
Praise my mission, bless my will
If you kill me, break my neck
Seven times I'll resurrect}
➤six. "what else is there?" by rokysopp
{I cut and I spear
And what else is there?
Roads and getting nearer
We cover distance still not together}
➤seven. "joanni" by kate bush
Joanni wears a golden cross
And she looks so beautiful
In her armor}
➤eight. "she wants to play hearts" by ryan adams
{I'm the rag doll boy
With broken eyes
She only comes to me
When it's raining outside}
➤nine. "weapon" by matthew good band
{Here by my side, an angel
Here by my side, the devil
Never turn your back on me
Never turn your back on me, again
Here by my side, its heaven}
➤ten. "play god" by deathstars
{And the strike of the night
Will trash the skyline
And darken the marks
I’ve put in your skin
’Cause I wanna play God
I wanna play god with you}
➤eleven. "endure" by nonpoint
{How I survive making money for the boss
While I make nickel and dime,
And being on time
Takin' a punch and doin' my best,
Not ever hearing good job
And staying upset}
➤twelve. "little soul" by depeche mode
{My little soul
Will leave a footprint
I'm channeling the universe
It's focusing its love inside of me
A singularity}
➤thirteen. "hurt" by johnny cash
{Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
You are someone else
I am still right here}
➤fourteen. "blue on black" by kenny wayne shepherd
{Cold on ice
Is a dead man's touch
Whisper on a scream
Doesn't change a thing
Doesn't bring you back}
➤fifteen. "what you are" by drill
{Sleeping quiet, I float in the air
Searching for you there
Miles and miles away from your touch
Aching everywhere}
➤sixteen. "burning bright" by shinedown
{I feel like there is no need for conversation
Some questions are better left without a reason
And I would rather reveal myself than my situation}
➤seventeen. "yes!" by coldplay
{If you'd only, if you'd only say yes
Whether you will's anybody's guess
God only, God knows I'm trying my best
But I'm just so tired of this loneliness}
➤eighteen. "regret not"
by all that remains
➤nineteen. "shadowplay" by edenbridge
{Skimming stones on water
Only yesterday
Into cosmic dust we now decay
Kindred souls and spirits
Bound by energy
Who can say what is reality? }
➤twenty. "worlds collide" by apocalyptica
download .zip And that's all for the FST! Maybe in 10 years I'll have the material to make another disc a;sdlkjasd jk jk ... miura ilu