Dec 30, 2006 23:32
Well, it's pretty windy out there, and yes...
Dammit. You think Colorado would send some of that crap this way, they've got enough of it, heck, the govener guy declared a state of emergency and whatever.
Not that I want a friggen blizzard or anything. I want to make it back to Waldorf before long... but a little snow might make this place look decent instead of like a nuclear bomb hit it.
I still hate winter, the cold, and snow... but this time last year there was a little! Ish... I know there was snow because I got picked up outside of breen after finals were over with and the snow was blowing everywhere and it got dark fast! ^_^ and then my mom bitched that I didn't make it to her place like I was supposed to bla bla bla... but at least here at my dad's I get to wash laundry and myself on a regular basis since she still doesn't have plumbing over there. Ew....
My poor kitty... he's getting on the bad side of everyone there...*sigh* I want to get him out of there because that's a busy highway for semis, and I don't want him to get hit by a damn truck or something. Perhaps the lady behind mom would like to adopt him and stuff... someone took his collar off, which kinda makes me mad, since they didn't return it, and it was one of the ones I got for him. Little fatty grew out of his belled collar...
My hands are cold... I suppose I better start working on the nacho sauce stuff because the others will be back from church soon enough and want to eat something. Grrr... so cold.
i want to go back to waldorf!!!