And it!

Apr 24, 2005 22:50

Me and the g/f threw a BBQ for our friends last night. It was one of those nights that turned into a special event. Ended up playing a couple really fun games of Guess Who. Scott rented ESPN MLB 2K5 and we had Homerun Derby contests and the person who was sitting out would do commentary like a Sportcenter anchor("He hits it hard, back-back-back-back........GONE!", etc.). As for the actual food, in a word...."amazing".
After everyone left me and Kristen hung out the rest of the night. We tried to watch a movie, but it wasn't happening. She told me for the first time she loved me last night so that was special.
I'm waking up extra early tomorrow. In the spirit of the NFL Draft this past weekend me and my friend I work with, Terrance are going to arrive at work around 7am and play a best of 5 series on ESPN NFL 2K5 in the dining room at Pizza Hut.

Quote of the Day

There's an awful lot of hair on your keyboard...
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