So hi again ;xD srsly, I'm bored |: I just posted something Dx
Anyways, as I said, I LOVE cosplaying and already did a few~
And you know? they all were crossplays (I did guys... JUST GUYS sob ;-; boobs hurt)
The only ones I'm really happy with are simon from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and Kaito from Vocaloid~
Here is a few pics! :D (the Kaito pics are better OTL )
Simon cosplay (links cuz LJ is gay ;=; ) also did Campus simon but I don't really have any pics from the con, just from home so here~ <.<; Kaito cosplay: this pic is my fav <3 ANYWAYS, I'm gay and you are.... not? TTYL bai -flees-