Hey there again you guys~
I need to have more userpics but LJ wants SUB to do it ]:<
pfffff no.
Anyway, I give you once again a little art dump lol
This time it's a character I'm working on for a contest~
She is supposed to be this forum mascot and they gave all these strict rules on her appearance lol ;
She can have either blonde or brown hair and she must have long hair.
It's a female, obviously lol (they don't want GUYS people would think it's a yaoi forum or w/e IDK but I agree with the mascot being female).
She must wear anything in
this color (which helps because I suck picking colors haha~ and I like blue).
She can't be drawn as a chibi and she must be colored with shading orz
So anyway, it's a bit stupid but meh, it's still nice and I managed something.
First of all I wanted to think of a design so I drew it on paper and came up with this:
I liked the overall idea (pants and shoes for the win <3 also her hair)
but she
looked like
guy lol (IT'S A TRAP! LA GASP)
So I changed her shirt because that's what made her seem a bit manly (also my suckish anatomy OTL) and came up with this:
The shirt was better this time only that the drawing looked totally fugly haha orz
To get to like the character (her name is Pallet btw lol because the forum is called Palletown), I drew a few doodles of her just to get her hair style (which reminds me of Amu haha ) and her clothes and face etc.
The chibi turned out good and the profile makes me smile everytime I look at it, dunno why hur hur
After finally liking my creation I, of course, had to redraw it on opencanvas to color it properly.
I stayed till late at night to work on it and only managed to get this far OTL
Something seems really wrong in this drawing, I don't know what ;;;
she just looks weird....
maybe her head is too big ;__;
or the arms too small ugh
oh well, I'll keep working on it today because I am actually happy with the coloring (though my coloring tech is so weird and it doesn't fit almost any drawing OTL)
I tried to make an appointment to this doctor I used to go to when I had the problem in my thyroid gland but
there was
time ;____;
Only in the 20th in July
So I had to make an appointment at a clinic in Jaffa and....
there is going to be an Arabic doctor inspecting me ;
Call me racist but we Israelis became scared of getting near to any Arab (unless you live in a city where both live, but that's not my case ; ).
I know he is just a docor and all and he is here to help me but
I am still a bit anxious ;
I'll still call evey week to check if anyone canceled for my previous doctor so I can go to her :X
it's better this way too because she knows me <.<;;;;
IDK bah I hope to sort this out.
Also, tomorrow I'm going to the gynecologist because of my period problems and because I want to make an immunization for the cervix cancer (better do it before the army I hope it will go fast ~__~;;;
I also wanted to check psychologists but
all of the psychologists
are in
Bney Brak .-. or Petah Tiqwa
Like, WTH
I'll just have to find one that is not a part of the medical company we are in <<;;;
my life suck ]:
now I need to clean my room after I folded ALL THE CLEAN LAUNDRY we had in the house -___-;;;
I found a place to download Samurai Champloo from and I'm in chapter 18 woohoo \o/
I just love this anime, it has one of the best OST in the world ]:
Mugen's "almost dying" scene was just one of the most beautiful scenes in the anime... and the melody just gives me goosebumps everytime I listen to it ;3;
-goes to look for some MuFuu art-