Summerland Festival

Aug 26, 2004 11:29

Every year at this time I attend the ADF Druid Summerland Festival held in nearby Yellow Springs. Lapsed pagan that I am, this is the one remaining pagan festival that I attend. For me it is something of a meeting of the tribes, as I get to see people from all over Ohio who I only get to see this one time of the year. And it is a time when I can pay my respects to the religion of my Celtic and Indo-European ancestors. It is also a fun party weekend; those Druids really know how to throw a party. The weather this year promises to be rainy, humid, and hot. Not the choicest weather for camping.

Taking a look at the list of workshops, I see several I might be interested in. One in particular catches my eye: Reclaiming the Sun in Modern Druidic Practice. The Celts apparently had little regard the sun in their religion. I am personally very solar identified, and have in the past been drawn to the worship of both solar and stellar deities. Indeed, when I was practicing shamanism, I was given the name Sundance. I am interested to see what the workshop presenter has to say.

Between now and tomorrow afternoon when I leave I need to:

-finish packing my clothes and toiletries,
-find an offering for the Unity Rite,
-pick up perishable food at the grocery,
-put out food for the cats for the weekend,
-clean out the litter boxes,
-visit a cash machine,
-pack the last of my stuff in the car,
-remember to pack an umbrella, sleeping bag and pillow,
-find something for the auction,
-decide what, if anything, I'm going to sing for the bardic circle,
-pick out music for the road.


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