Quarter's over/break time!

Jun 08, 2004 16:34

I should update, I suppose, but I don't have a whole lot going on in my head right now. I had my massage class written final last night. I studied my *ss off for it over the weekend. I got pretty mad about the test before and during it, because I don't like the teacher's methods or his attitude. He likes to claim that he tests more than simply rote memorization, but that is in fact all he tests. Basically he asks you to spit back out anything from the handouts he gives in class verbatim. And he's really picky about what he accepts, too. It's a perfectly acceptable testing technique, not very creative, but acceptable, but it annoys me that he claims his tests aren't rote memorization, when then are.

Blah, enough of that. It is over and done, and I have a break from class for almost three weeks. Wheee! I have no real plans, except to a) get more sleep, b) get back to doing yoga regularly, and c) contact a real estate attorney/schedule house inspections/whatever else I need to do to move forward in the house-buying.

Speaking of yoga, I went to yoga class on Saturday morning for the first time in about three months. I'd done a little yoga and stretches on my own during that class, but I hadn't made it to class. It wasn't as bad as I had feared. My legs are really strong from giving massages. It's my back and abs that have suffered from a lack of exercise. And suffer they did, the next day. Man, did I feel it, especially in my lower back and transverse abs. I hope to start going to classes more frequently and get back into a more well-rounded exercise routine.

exercise, massage school, yoga

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