Feb 16, 2003 13:56
I'm in a sort of grey, lazy mood today. I have chores that need to be done, but I'm having some trouble getting to them. I only want to sit and stare, or read...be passively entertained.
Even though it's snowing again, I had the urgent desire to go to Half-Price Books. I just got back. The roads are pretty bad. The snow plows can't keep up with the snow. Six inches are predicted for today, with eight more predicted for overnight. I was thinking of going out this afternoon to see LOTR: The Two Towers again (I've only seen it once, and if it leaves the theaters before I see it again I'll be upset with myself). But I ain't going anywhere now. I'll just have to stay right here. I'm glad I don't have to go to work tomorrow. I'll just have to make myself do the chores and studying that have to be done, and go to the movies some other day.
But then again, I did buy a book on the Pre-Raphaelites, so I've got some reading I can get lost in....