Shade garden planting

May 26, 2008 21:10

I got all the plants in. The weatherman predicted rain, thunderstorms, and possibly hail, but it all seems to have missed us. Went north and south of us. So I was able to finish up the gardening. I even dug a bit more sod, this time along the sidewalk, where I planted ground cover. Now I am sore. I think I will not do any more garden work for a little while.

I love building my gardens. Every spring, after the last frost, I enter an obsessive flurry of activity and planning. Planning the garden expansion for the year, buying, planting, weeding. Making the visions I have in my head come to life is a slow process. But each year I do a bit more. If I live here 20 years most of the grounds around the house will be landscaped. In 5 years, much of the front will be done. One thing I have learned living here: I am a gardener, but not of vegetables. I am a gardener of flower and foliage. I love creating living green spaces.

garden, gardening

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