Emerging from the snow

Mar 11, 2008 09:12

I hear that Columbus got a record 20 inches of snow between Friday and Saturday. My neighbor came by with his tractor and plowed the long gravel drive early Sunday afternoon. Soon after rfunk and I went out and shoveled our cars free from the parking pad in front of the house. It was hard work; my back and shoulder muscles are still a bit sore from all the shoveling. Perhaps a nice hot bath with Epsom salts tonight? Thank goodness my shoulder is healed or shoveling would have been quite painful for me.

Where the snow has melted from along the sides of the drive, the birds come to investigate, looking for what food they can find. The deer come out to the road as well; this morning I surprised three deer foraging near the edge of my street.

wildlife, muscles, snow, winter

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