Christmas and hobbits

Dec 26, 2002 21:15

I had a great day yesterday, even though I didn't celebrate Christmas. I slept in, then got up late and did some housecleaning. The house is almost clean, almost ready for vacuuming, and I'm so happy. One of these days I'll get around to dusting, though. But straightening up gave me a good sense of accomplishment.

My neighbors (the nice ones in the house next door, not the rednecks who live in the other half of my duplex) called in the afternoon and I went over to visit. They are in their 50's with two grown children who live in town. Their boys had been over earlier in the day, but had left by the afternoon. My neighbors gave me a set of girly bathroom things: bathgel, skin moisturizer, and body soak (whatever that is), all in lavender. They are so sweet!

After visiting with them for a while (I need to think up a name for them), I went to see The Two Towers. Oh, yes! I LOVED it! I had rented FOTR the day before and watched it on Christmas eve. When I saw the TT it was like it was an extension of the same movie. (Yes, I know it really is an extension of the same movie. Shut up.) What I mean is, there was no lag, no getting readjusted to the story and the characters.

Yeah, but anyway, I loved it. It's awesome. I liked the Gollum character development, and the way you could tell that the burden of the Ring was getting harder and harder for Frodo to bear. And the fighting. And Legolas is so very, very pretty. But Aragorn is hot, too. It's a good thing that I don't have to choose between them, isn't it?

As happened when I came out of the movie theater after watching FOTR, I felt all odd and not quite of this world, more of Middle Earth. I felt heroic and Meaningful, like I was on some Quest. It was a good thing that the streets were empty, because the technology of the car seemed almost beyond me. It was difficult to remember how to drive. When I got home it was almost 10. I kept thinking how could I possibly get to sleep and then get up the next day and mundanely go to my responsible, 21st century job?

neighbors, movies

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