A night at the farmhouse

Mar 29, 2005 16:07

Last Saturday afternoon I drove out to the farmhouse. I gave massages to both of the sellers, and then they left for the evening, leaving me to enjoy staying in the house for the evening. I made spaghetti and played with the fancy flat stove. I put my dirty dishes in the dishwasher (I haven't had a dishwasher in years. I paced around and around the house, trying to imagine what my things will look like in that space. I slept in the bedroom that will be mine in a few months.

I had hoped to sleep in without the cats to bother me, but I woke up early anyway. I saw the sun rise through the bedroom windows. From the bathroom window, I saw a pair of deer grazing in a neighboring field.

After breakfast I walked out to the hay barn (how I love the smell of hay) and then out to look a the new house that my soon-to-be-neighbors are building further back on their property. The outer walls are up, and the inside framing is in place. It will probably be completed sometime this summer. After that, I move into the farmhouse.

Then I drove the 28 miles back into town and called J. He and I got together for brunch, and then walking in one of the local wooded parks. The weather was cool and cloudy, but at least the rain held off for us. It was a fun day.

farmhouse, date, house purchase

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