Jun 25, 2009 23:08
I'm leaving in a few hours to England, and I don't fell nervous!?
I'm calm, I have packet everything and checked like a 100 times that I remembered all the stuff I need.
I have my pass and all that stuff, a lot of shopping money and food to the trip.
But still.. I should be nervous right?
My whole family is freacking out, and their really nervous.
Asking if I have remembered everything, offers to help me to look throug my stuff once more.
They probably sounds really crazy and they really are..
I'm going to be in England for a week and then I'm going rigth to Germany for three weeks 8D
That's why their so nervouse >.>''
I'm traveling alone, without any friends :o
Okay that's not really true..
I'm traveling to England with the brass music for my town..
But the trip to Germany it's a language travel ;)
Well, I will try to get some sleep now before I'll go..
language travel