Long time no write...

Jan 03, 2005 22:33

WOW, I just can't believe it... my vacation is coming to an end! ugh! i don't want to start school again, i mean i love it and all, but the thoughts of writing endless papers again and again and again is not a very plesent one! my vacation has been great. christmas was wonderful and i finally got the acoustic guitar i've been wanting! of course i got the usual clothes, pocketbooks, scarves, jewlery, shoes, and the such. joanna, my old dance teacher, is doing okay i guess. i've talked to her several times over break but haven't gone to see her yet. she is having cemo this week so i dont know if i will get the chance to or not... today i went back to the perfect step, the studio i taught ballet at all last year to see my girlies. i realized how much i missed those hugs walking into that ballet class. i was attacked by three little girls that just wouldn't let go. it was great, i miss teaching dance sooooooooooo much. when i uttered the words bye i thought they were going to cry. they were saying miss jessalyn dont leave us again, dont leave dont leave... and just wouldnt stop hugging me... i really miss teaching dance. this past sunday after church i went out to eat with stacy, lauren, keliegh, and katie. me, lauren, and stacy had been together at my church since we were sooo little. it seemed like forever since us three hung out and sat in the balcony together during church. it was great, felt like the good ol' days when time didn't fly as fast as it does now. stacy leaves for app 2morrow and i know she's going to have a blast! it was her goodbye lunch with the girls. i'm STILL single. oh well, guess its my destiny or something! actually, its probably a good thing that i'm single, i don't think i have time for a boyfriend anyways. i guess thats about everything... first semester of college was great and ya know, i dont think i would change anything about it. i wouldnt even change that whole high school drama situation because i've learned so much from that and dont think that my whole first semester would have been the same without that occurance happening. i love my roomie and hopefully (keep your fingers cross) an apartment is in our future for next fall! well i think thats about as much random information i can type in one journal! peace yall, i'm going to enjoy this one last week of vacation before the next semester flys past me in a blink of an eye. i think its amazing how much stuff happened in one sememster, how many friends have come and gone, classes come and gone, and just the number of days that have come and gone. oh well! bye yall!
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