Sep 17, 2008 21:25
Having spent two months detoxing, learning to be happy from my own chemicals, i am happy to say that small portions of m.j. are quite beneficial to my productivity. *points* I'm even journaling again. I've recently figured out that the green was not helping my wiggy card-reading abilities; it was allowing my talkative nature to come out. After all that time in direct connection to (hell, damn near symbiosis with) the THC fairy (I've got her cell number if you need it) I had to work my -ass- off to read well without her assistance. --And now my readings have improved by 50% simply due to calming down enough to speak easily to strangers.(I have been in contact with some supremely cool people lately, too, which helps my communication skillz.)
in other news:
I'm re-reading The Count of Monte Cristo. Serial style is something I envy greatly about Dumas (and Dickens, for that matter), along with an inexplicable ability to get away with plagiarism (blatant plagiarism) by writing your story so much -better- than you did! (I wonder how copyrighted the internets are, especially the bad-harrypotter-fanfiction parts of the internets.) In a serial novel each chapter is well-done because the author must treat it like an independent entity. The plots are dragged-out for word count and longevity, but -damn-, if they ain't entertaining! Dahl works like that too: each chapter is one good bedtime story for an 8-year-old. Comic books work like that. Buffy worked like that. (Most *cough* fanfiction works like that.) I want to write a novel that even -I- don't know the end to, yet.
And the Count of Monte Cristo is -great-. Fucking great. I can't wait until the parade/kidnapping.