First car: Forest Green Ford Taurus Stationwagon
First date: umm, i guess with Jessica Lewis in eigth grade to a movie... (eww... girls are icky!)
First real kiss: Again, Jessica Lewis
First break-up: I dumped Jessica Lewis
First screen name: AJT54
First self purchased album: um.... I thik it was Bush - Razorblade Suitcase
First funeral: My neighbor Gerry. I miss her.
First pet: My tabby cat, Kitty. He stayed with me for 13 years until we had to put him down 2 and a half years ago.
First piercing/tattoo: My left ear in seveth grade, and then it got ripped out and infected when Chrissy Dowling tried to punch me a few months later.
First enemy: umm... Jessica Rucker. I hated that bitch, later we were kinda friends.
First musician you remember hearing in your house: My aunt Debby playing the piano, she plays fiddle, clarinet, trumpet and trombone, too. And I think guitar and banjo. Oh, and mandolin.
Last cigarette: my first and last at Senior Week. yuk.
Last car ride: Driving back from Adrienne's last night
Last kiss: yesterday
Last good cry: 3 days ago. Damn that beautiful sad music....
Last library book checked out: ummm... Sunshine
Last movie: Collateral (save yourselves from that one)
Last beverage drank: Iced Tea, right now.
Last food consumed: Tuna Melt!
Last crush: Adam
Last phone call: To my mom to tell her where I was last night
Last time showered: yesterday, around 10 am
Last shoes worn: my spiff peace sign Chucks w/ PINK shoelaces!!
Last item bought: onion rings, french fries w/ cheese
Last annoyance: The movie Collateral
Last disappointment: The movie Collateral
Last time wanting to die: I prefer not to think of that right now
Last time scolded: Day before day before yesterday
Last shirt worn: black tight short sleeve ribbed shirt with a short sleeve white button up
Last website visited: Last word you said: "out"
Last song you sang: Zero - Smashing Pumpkins, along with iTunes
What is in your cd player?: my random MP3 cd
What color socks are you wearing?: none
What Color of underwear are you wearing?: none =P
What's under your bed?: a whole schmut load of crap, which I have to clean out before college
what time did you wake up today?: 7:14 when my mom came down to tell me they were leaving, and then 10:38 when I was actually finished sleeping
Current mood: docile
Current music: Look At Us - Sarina Paris
Current taste: Tuna Melt
Current hair: straightened after much work yesterday with about 6 different products, a blowdryer, a brush, and a flat iron.
Current clothes: khaki pants with a dragon embroidery, a blue and greed fire/flower button up.
Current annoyance(s): that the high-speed modem is not working correctly on my computer
Current longing: To be holding someone to whom I am emotionally attached.
Current desktop picture: an awesome vector piece of work by
kayne on devART. It's a bonsai and this guy leaping into abyss. It's a metaphor for... well, you don't care. It's called "Take the Leap"
Current book(s): Abhorsen by Garth Nix, along with various other books
Current time-wasting wish: To go to someone's house and watch a movie, or perhaps Final Fantasy Unlimited
Current hate: Heather Termohlen, forever and always.