(no subject)

Dec 06, 2004 16:46

So I was sitting here thinking to myself, why has my life changed so drastically in the past few weeks? The obvious answer is the school I am now attending. I sat and wondered, hmm, what's so different between Belen and Gables? The results were stunning.

At a first glance, you'll notice the nazi-esq set of rules that are enforced (hair length, uniforms, the complete discouragement of individuality). But, at a closer look, you begin to notice the high gates, the reffy disciplinarians and the random boys touching each other and calling each other gay (the irony?). As you can probably tell, life was'nt at its best during these tough times. But wait, there's more! After a hard days week, you'd expect a party or some sort of entertainment, right?. Your reward, a weekend full of video games... I mean don't get me wrong, video games are alright from time to time, but man, these kids take it like a drug. Naturally, I was'nt into the mind numbing overdoses, so I was the 'outcast' of the 'group'. My life was simply an attempt to escape the rampant video game parties and, well, overall loser atmosphere. As for the boys that actually attended a party, you'd rather kill yourself than hang out with them.

After six years of pleading, I was finally allowed to leave the godforsaken place and attend Gables High. It was only my first day there when I knew, I had reached the promised land.

All in all, Belen completely sucked.
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