[ f i c ] The Heart Between Us - Ch. 3 - Shizuo/Izaya

Aug 02, 2010 03:12

Title: The Heart Between Us
Fandom: Durarara!!
Pairing: Shizuo/Izaya eventually
Rating: PG13
Summary: The smirking creature says, “Then the contract is sealed: I take half of your heart in return for boundless strength.”
Notes: AU inspired by this video (yes, that one that nearly made you cry). Thanks to san again for encouraging me!

Previous chapters: 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Izaya twirls it in his hands, holds it up to the sunlight and watches the rays diffract through it, forming a rainbow on his face.  )

pairing: shizuo/izaya, character: heiwajima shizuo, fanworks: fanfiction, character: heiwajima kasuka, character: orihara izaya

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