♥Durarara + tarot cards!♥ Discussion~

Jun 11, 2010 14:27

So I was talking about how the characters from Durarara's first ending song "Trust Me" reminded me of tarot cards positions. Like Shinra being Hanged man, and Celty being Death.

Here's some of my ideas: (I REALLY want to hear your ideas too!)

- Mikado - Fool: the one going on a journey.
- Kida - Magician: the best friend representing creativity and energy, determination and self confidence. He definitely spices up Mikado's life with his magic XD
- Anri - High Priestess: love relationship, the sword representing the magic, intro-respective, intuitive and serene.
- Simon - The Hierophant: Discipline, mature, powerful, the wise fatherly figure.
- Izaya - The Devil: Devil is good as he tempts others to their 'change', be it good or bad. But, not related to the plot of drrr, i thought 'Tower of Babel fits him' too because he's trying to climb the tower towards being God.
- Shizuo - Strength: Mostly coz it sounds obvious lol. though not sure if he's 'stable'
- Erica - (undecided. also undecided if i should combine it with Walker)
- Walker -
- Kadota - Justice? Chariot? Judgment? I'd have to think about this one, but someone who's most logical and sane one (along with Tom?)
- Togusa - (undecided)
- Seiji + Mika - Lovers: (enough said. lol)
- Namie - Empress: the over-jealous motherly figure.
- Shinra - Hanged Man: Always telling Celty to give up her search for her head.
- Celty - Death: Loss, ending of cycle, finishing up to regenerate, she can symbolize the end of chaos/and perhaps bringing others to Valhalla

the ones not in the ending but I think may be possible.

- Shingen - The Hermit: One who keeps to himself despite having wide variety of knowledge. Someone who watches from distance and not actually joining the party.
- Kasuka Heiwajima - Temperance: Quiet and understanding.
- Kinnosuke Kuzuhara - Emperor: Proud authoritarian who seeks justice through power.
- Celty's head - The World: The Final destination, the goal, the cup of Valhalla, where all things come to an end once reached.

There's also Tom, Niekawa Haruna, Saki Mikajima, Shiki and novel characters such as Ruri, Kururi and Mairu, Aoba, etc. It's something to think about for sure :3

- I thought of Saki as the Sun since she's always so bright, hopeful, and once was the light for Kida... - I'll have to think about it.
- Possible Niekawa Haruna as the Moon since she's deliriously living in her fantasy world.
- Ruri as the Star. Though i guess her personality may be mismatched so I can't decide it still.

The Major Arcana: The Fool, The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgment, and The World.

There's 22 tarot cards ♥ it might be possible to squeeze everyone in if someone thinks hard enough hahahaha.

Please tell me your ideas and your list! <3


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