Jun 10, 2004 12:50
Because of a lack of anything better to do, I am going to update my journal.
So, the past few weeks have been decent, really. Probably some of the best I've had here so far. I suppose part of that pleasantness is knowing that in a month and a half or so, I will be returning to sweet, sweet American soil. I have grown increasingly weary of Japan (maybe just Tokyo) and would like to get home to see my friends and family. And I can't find a pair of fucking shoes for my over-sized American feet. Piece of shit country. It's been fun, but I'm ready togo back home. Of course, I don't mind coming back to Japan, even Tokyo again in the future. It's fun and I have met some great people and done some very fun and interesting things. But living here for lengthy periods of time...I don't know about that.
Also, It has been settled that Daniel and I will be living with good ol' Mr. William Platnick. A wonderful man and a good friend. It should be fun. This won't be my first time living with Will. My freshman year he forced my first rommate (a delightful young Indian lad named Vikas) out in bloody coup. No lives were spared...except mine. He then took over my room as supreme ruler and ruled over me with a fist that both iron, but also as gentle as a mother's loving caress. From that day on, William became not only my lord, but my friend, and sometimes, late at night when I close my eyes and have the most pleasant of dreams, my lover. Nah, but all kidding aside, it should be a fun last year. Better than living in Empire with peeps I don't know.
I received my money from SUNY. Now I am an okanemochi (wealthy person) once more, or at least for the next few months. But for now, I am able to better enjoy my time here now that I have money to enjoy it with.
I joined the "Fitness Club." It's called the fitness club eventhough it is more about the dance and a lot less about the fitness. Anyway, this club at school specializes in hip-hop, house, jazz, and break styles of dancing. I am doing hip-hop. I wanted to do house too, but I could only choose one. I have always been a good dancer. I have a very natural sense of rythm. But I had never done anything choreographed before, so this was a new experience. But I am picking everything up very quickly. The club is great. I should have started earlier, but oh well. The people in the club are great eventhough they constantly send out mass e-mails (even at night) making me check my cellphone every hour or so. Also, one of the guys from the club, Kento Maruyama, is coming to study at Albany for the year. So, that is added coolness.
Also, I've been watching season 3 of 24. Surprises around every corner. It's very good so far, but I've only seen the first 11 episodes. I am very interested in seeing how everything turns out. And it has my favorite character, Sherry (that fucking cunt!) And I will forever be in love with Tony Almeida, especially after last season. The story involving the president this season seems to be on the road to becoming the season 2's Kim Bauer plot. Fairly uninteresting.
Anyway, that's all for now. Later.