(no subject)

Mar 28, 2009 21:07

1. Richard Nixon once argued (and nearly won) a privacy case in front of the Supreme Court. He almost won - but lost because the Justice League ordered a re-hearing. This just goes to show that Richard Nixon was eternally, karmically, screwed when it came to the SCOTUS.

2. There is this viral video from a couple of years back about a DJ setting up his turntable - and with it he could control/reverse time to avoid accidents and shit like that. A peerage and unto half my empire to the one who gets me the link to said video.

3. Advanced DTV technology from Korea replaces swear words with baby laughter, and high drama with kittens (or puppies). It's a shame that Kim Jong Il is going to blow up the peninsula. I will miss my Jaurim.

I had a dream about the weirdest field sobriety test last night. The test was to put my bare feet against my windshield and not shatter it with my drunken toes. It was kind of like walking on rice paper, except it was glass.

I've actually watched a field sobriety test administered while I was riding shotgun with a police officer. It was epic - and there was a hooker involved. You'd be surprised just how drunk you have to be to fail that motherfucker*baby laughter*.

I might go full out vegetarian now...
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