slooooow doooooown.

Apr 01, 2007 18:10

Yesterday I got stuck in the mud, got yelled at, went to the knowledge bowl banquet, watched Stranger then Fiction with my sister, took a nap, spent too much time at staples, had quizno's for dinner, went out with Tracy, came home, and made sure I wouldn't miss his graduation party.

Today I sang at church for palm sunday, got a nice palm, saw Mary Claire off, went to target where I bought two new purses, two new belts, lots of shampoo and conditioner, a new texturized scrubby, and a new wallet (j'aime beaucoup), went to live station's practice (I'm Veronica), went to an NCYC meeting, and came home to make two amazing sandwiches.

This week is supposed to be spring break... but I'm still annoyingly busy with church, track, and austinaires.

Lent is almost over!?!
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