Jan 20, 2005 20:46
wow.. i could kill Mrs. Farrell.. she is the bitchiest teacher EVER! ok.. today i went to go take a test thing for finance and i signed up for business math... and thats what Mr. Bailey said i had... so he gave me a review packet for it... so i go into the cafeteria all ready to take the test with everyone else and sit down at the business math table becuz thats what i had... then they come around checking names off the list and they couldnt find mine under business Math... then they found it eventually only they had me under computer concepts...... so the lady asked if my teacher had me for math and i said yes and showed her what my teacher gave me.... and she said ok and wrote my name down under business math... then.. they realize that there are way to many kids in the math section so they start calling off names to switch to something else.. i didnt hear the names so i went up to whoever was calling them and asked if i was one of the ones who they called since they didnt originally have me down for math.... and they said no.. so i sat back down.. then Mrs. Farrell comes up and starts yelling at me saying "YOU CANT JUST CHANGE YOUR TESTS LIKE THAT!!" im like.. what are you talking about and shes like "YOU WERE DOWN FOR CUMPUTER CONCEPTS SO THATS WHERE YOU SHOULD BE!!" so then i said "my teacher said i was in business math and gave me the review packet for it so i sat here... since thats what he said i was in.. and i showed her the packet... then shes like.. "DID YOU CHECK WITH THE TEACHER TO MAKE SURE YOU HAD THIS?!?!?!?" and im like.. yesss.. thats why he gave this to me! and shes like.. uh whatever.... stay then! so im sitting there and of course she yells all that so everyone could here becuz everyone was dead silent... then she comes back up to me after they hand out the tests and starts yelling at me again "SHANNON, YOU CANT TAKE THIS TEST!!! THERE ARENT ENOUGH COPIES!!! GO SIT WHERE YOUR SUPPOSE TO BE!!!" so im just like THEN WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE INSTEAD OF EMBARASSING ME INFRONT OF EVERYBODY! but i didnt actually say it to her cuz i was so pissed off already..... so all that happened.... and now im stuck with a test that i know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT! OH MY WORD!! so i BSed my way through it knowing there is no possible way to make it to state cuz i didnt study this info... and there were hard questions on there too.. it was like.. "who invented the DSL or some shit like that. so i christmas treed it.. Stupid teachers.. i hate Mrs. Farrell! shes an F-ING BIATCH! screw finance....