May 22, 2006 20:09
Oh, you legend!
Does that really mean in order to live, I have to be Catholic?
Will even liberal Protestiantism - Anglican and Hugenot - kill me sooner than I would otherwise?
I have to find an evangelical tradition.
The Vineyard pastor may well be the answer to my prayers.
I will try next Sunday and in a 100 days I will have a church habit.
Oh, Monsieur D, you never knew it but you presaged my sorrow by a century.
Evangelicals have greater social control?
And less inhibition, which is what I've observed!
Must ask more about Anderson Church of God. Mlle Blake is lucky to have a strong community with that degree and kind.
I so want to combine my vocation with a ministry now.
This will be cheaper and better than the brief therapy with conservative neurobiological intervention which I had considered.
When I watched Rocky on Mask clear back in 1999, I had never believed that neurofeedback would be mainstream.
Seven years later, it is conservative and safe.
Therefore I want it. I need it. I might get addicted to it, pure and simple on the grounds that I have an addictive personality.
Perhaps religion might actually inhibit some of my impulses and bring more regular and rhythmtic routines. I will feel comfortable with repetition for the first since a child - I have actively avoided it since 1995.
Aussies and those interested in soft rock: Don't I look something like Missy? Don't you see the resemblance? And doesn't she write well, with help from her friends and her band?
Is she the new Alanis? The new Avril?
Those of you raised in Catholicism and/or evangelical traditions: what sort of leaps of faith would a humanist have to take, who was raised with a Protestant work ethic?
What in your faith promotes tolerance and compassion? What is the ratio faith:works which you have found pleased your understanding of Him?
Protestantism is so dull and so subtle. My quick mind wants results and does not get. Much did not compute but it did stay lodged for when I should need it for a bargaining chip!
Is it wrong to bargain? Is it more wrong in a secular or a religious context?
Must read more Lewis, Tolkein and more Inklings. Would like to watch Shadowlands.
And luxuriate in Virginia Woolf and the Brontes.
Austen is still too ironic for me - I feel she is laughing at me. I identify with Marianne, Emma, and in my more sensitive and mature moods of peace and self-control and delayed/deferred gratification (especially with this last) I so identify with Anne Elliot and a little bit with Elinor Dashwood.
The outside world would think I was Catherine Moreland.
I need a hero. I need a Henry. I need a Knightley. I do not need a Willoughby, but a Ferras feels safe.
Will write more about Woolfian heroines and Brontean heroes soon.
These latter are influenced by Scott and Byron who were influenced by Homer and the Greeks and Latins who were influenced by Promethus.
Why does everything subjective instantly go to Rand in my imagination?
Is this a punishment/overcompensation for my years of Randianism.
She did break me for the most severe of my co-dependent behaviours which is so much to the good.
Now if I could stop feeling that entering into a contract was doom and working in a group was not signing a MAD agreement.
I must fight the cold war and start a detente in my own mind.
I am feeling just at the stage of July 4 1989 which was Tianmen Square and the Polish election. The first free and fair Polish elections. The Communists didn't win, and so this started the real domino theory.
For the first time Poland was a real and whole country again as they never were over the past 200 years and especially when they were raped and pillage.
Strong words! But I know how to save and spend my psycholinguistic economy so I shall not be bankrupt, and sell the stocks and shares of meaning.
I will not take out verbosity loans, nor will I allow silence to make me demand an insanity clause or respite from same. I will be silent when it is my season to be silent. That way I will be able to talk and listen with much less self-absorption and self-involvement.
So here we are.
This is why I love traditional society.
Perhaps I am a neo-conservative/New Right hawk after all. The legacy of that era is something I choked down greedily like a T-bone steak with caviar and pretty pretty (frou-frou) salad of the Nouvelle Cuisine style.
Henry's taught me better!
suicide attempt (5/1997),
alanis morrisette,
missy higgins,
vital questions,
vineyard church