Autism Week 14th May - 20th May 2006: at least for Britain, Europe and Australia

May 16, 2006 08:26

The dates may actually vary in different juristictions, but the second week in May, directly after Mother's Day, is Autism Awareness Week.

This is a day for the public to learn more about the guises of autistic functioning and being.

For those of us with autism spectrum conditions (self, peer and professionally diagnosed or recognised, or unrecognised but in society), as well as families, friends, service providers, school staff and Government, it helps to articulate more of our struggles and acknowledge that the public doesn't really know so much.

So we go in a spirit of openly and kindly educating them.

There are lots of competing "Awareness Weeks" and "Causes" around here.

In fact our American friends have taken the whole month of April for Autism Awareness Month.

As well as a little bit greedy, this is controversial.

To celebrate - or at least to acknowledge Autism Week - here, I will write every day about Autism Awareness on our seven continents.

I am sure they have brave autistic researchers on Antarctica, or the researchers have had to leave their children.

I will tell about organisation and grassroots efforts to help people learn much more about autism. I will talk about celebrities who have helped the cause. Unlike in America, most of the Commonwealth has their 'autism celebrity'.

If everyone will help me with a timeline and a placeline of important developments in Autism Awareness, there will be research.

EG: 2005 Motor neurons are suspected to impair autistic people's processing of imitation of stimuli

1992 The Autism Network International was started

1983 Autisme Europe was started. Autisme Europe is a lobbying organisation working at the World Health Organisation level. They help look after the interests of autistic Europeans at a systemic advocacy level

2002 The Inaugural World Autism Congress in Melbourne, Australia.

1989: Action for Autism India was started.

1980: Autism no longer a childhood psychosis in the DSM-III. It is now recognised as a pervasive developmental disorder which affects socialisation, communication and imagination as per the Triad of Impairments by Lorna Wing and fellow workers.

1981: Asperger Syndrome begins to be recognised more widely through Wing's paper Asperger syndrome: A clinical account. Very engrossing paper, by the way!

As for my "seven continents" plan, Europe, North America, Australia are spoken for. But South America, Asia, Africa (I can speak with authority about South Africa and Naimibia, though) and Antarctica (I'll do something creative and imaginative) - not necessarily.

There must be more personal/individual, local, regional and global events which I can mention. And there must be people


Tony Atwood

Lorna Wing

Paul Trehin

Paul Shattock

Paul Matthews

Uta Frith

Simon Baron-Cohen

Merry Bahua

Petra Dillman

Dan Olmsted

If you don't know who these people are, or there are people you do know, all of you, let me know!

And we can't forget people like

Leo Kanner

Hans Asperger

Leo Eisenberg

Bernard Rimland

Bruno Bettleheim

Howard Buten (he is the most decent Frenchman practicing at the moment and provides leadership in regard to autism and psychoanalysis)

Temple Grandin

Donna Williams

Wendy Lawson

Probably in the "seven continents plan"

there will be what

people on the spectrum

their families and friends

their teachers

their service providers


politicians and lobby workers at local, state/province/region/county and federal levels of government

the general public

did, thought and said in various Autism Awareness Weeks and at various other times they had to raise awareness.

For clarity, simplicity and for the access of my own knowledge and direct experience it will go from 1986 - 2006.

I cannot realistically write about what happened before about 1980 except in a historical analysis. 1981-1986 is a grey area.

That will have to be done when someone is older and wiser.

The last paper will be something to do with history and the future and our hopes, dreams and aspirations for other Autism Awareness and Autistic Pride organisations. How will the DSM-V and ICD-11 resolve the current squabbling about prelevance and incidence? Will Autreat, Autscape and Autistic Pride Day change the landscape from one to awareness and one of pride.

I will take questions throughout the week that have to do with this. I expect to get bombarded with e-mails and questions. So if you don't know something which might be taken for granted among the autism community, you do have the opportunity to ask. If I know it, or can look it up on any book or website, then I am willing to answer it. If it involves epistemology (personal experience) I reserve the right to select based on tolerance, consideration, and the public interest/what the public is interested in. I know they are two different things.

So let's get the party started!

gratitude, bernard rimland, united nations, truth, ethics, temple grandin, vital questions, dyspraxia, history, gary mesibov, ukraine, love, paul trehin, bettelheim, special education, international adoption, tolerance, eric schopler, vietnamese, psycholinguistics, leo kanner, awareness, survival, programming, opportunities, medication, self-advocacy, asperger syndrome, russia, heroes, mental health, mensa, documentation, legacy, old friends, weasel words, you forgot poland, discrimination, india, passions, japan, indonesia, judgement calls, mentors, broader autistic phenotype, leadership, anniversary reactions, norway, politics, media coverage, education, europe, iraq, punctuation, world news, future plans, autism, personal information, essays, knowledge, internet, professional writing, motherhood statements, cognitive psychology, psychoanalysis, curiosity, children, singapore, late 1980s, personal responsibility, human development, cruelty, memory, humour, philosophy, conferences, enigma, dyslexia, family

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