Being a complete person (in a way writers will understand)/(recent dizziness episodes - health)

May 14, 2006 10:27

I feel that I have become less of a flat character and more of a round character in my own life.

And the dizziness I have had was 4 in the shops and 2.5 at home. I had 2 x 2.5 incidents, one yesterday and one today.

An example of a '10' episode would have to be on March 21 1994. I was in my uncle's house at the beach and a dreadful incident happened to me downstairs from the toilet/kitchen. If it happened at the real downstairs with concrete, particularly down at the shed, no-one would have helped me and I am sure I would not be alive to write to you now.

A '1' episode is when I am fully functioning and it does not affect me unduly.

As my health reporting gets better I will add increments of .01, .03, .05, .10 and .25.

Then I will be able to know and tell how I am feeling at a particular time. And I will know when it reaches significance in a finer and better detail.

Dizziness happens when I see and perceive things and when I am walking.

Most of my dizziness happens in stairs and on escalators and even just sitting/standing still.

The health report is more of how I perceive myself.

Throughout the year I have been taking Beck and Hamilton inventories.

Depression and anxiety were little of a problem during March, in fact I have been having manic/hypomanic episodes of impulsivity and disinhibition of behaviour. I have been less aware of boundaries than I might have been, particularly the more subtle social ones.

April/May has been generally as I expected.

Sometimes Easter throws my plans out of whack.

I am strongly triggered by fundraising during this period. I know. I wrote the book on it.

dizziness, character development, flat characters, round characters, health report, writing

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