Apr 18, 2009 18:00

So, X-23 has, according to S.H.I.E.L.D. information and various references in canon, has a fuckton of shady connections. She worked as an assassin for the Kingpin and has been all around the world working for various less than legal and less than moral organizations. If you're in the right timeperiod and the right organization feel free to have connections or whatever if you want. (I have no idea if anyone from camp would have the right connections, but you know, it could be fun) Oh, right, time period is currentish modernish /handwave /handwave as you never know when time and Marvel are going to have a domestic dispute.

Secondly! Laura was in Camp a while ago, so if any of those people who knew her could give me a holler as to what Laura's relationship was with you I would appreciate ♥ !

Thirdly! Is there anything scent/smell/I am an awesome tracker/noticer of details about your character that Laura would pick up? Could be "WALKS LIKE A DRUNKEN SAILOR" or, idk, "uses strawberry shampoo", or more useful things like "Carries guns on him all the time" or "SHE'S ACTUALLY A ROBOT". Also, if you don't want her knowing/picking up on something feel free to tell me! Optional, but could be really fun and helpful ♥ ♥ !
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