As the Web Spins

Feb 26, 2010 03:53

18 months ago

Spider-Man made his way between buildings on a rather dull day of patrolling. Having split up days to patrol with Tigress and Goblin so he could spent more time with SHIELD and the Avengers. Today had been a very dull day. But that all changed with he got a beeping in his ear from his SHIELD communicator.

"Agent Spider-Man here."

"We gotta talk Webs." The voice on the other end of the line was not the one he was expecting. It was General Fury himself.

It didn't take long to use a glider to get up to SHIELD floating headquarters. Fury met him on the flight deck.

"You remember Miles Warren, right? The Jackal."

"Yeah. Low rent geneticist with a fetish for blonds." Spidey peeled his mask off as they got inside the helicarrier and headed deeper into the bowels of the ship.

"Ever since his benefactor, your best buddy Norman Osborn, died in prison. Miles has been working on the black market as a bioweapon arms dealer. Augmenting and creating superhumans for the mob and costumed villains. Agent Weaver busted him in Scotland 2 days ago. We've been going through his stuff." Fury leads Parker through a number of locked doorways before heading into a large cargo hold.

"What does this have to do ... with ... Me?" Peter stares at the clear tube infront of him. Seeing himself floating in a blueish green ooze with tubes and wires surgically implanted into his body in various places.

3 months later

Fury looks over at Peter and his Aunt May. "They're ready to wake him." Aunt May heads in with Peter.


The younger looking Parker shoves Peter up against the wall. "Back OFF, 'Brother'. This is just... I ... I have to get away. I'm not even real!"

Peter gulps and tries to reach out to put his hand on his 'brothers' shoulder only to have him flinch and back away. ".... Ben. I ... I just want to help you. Please."

Ben rubs at his eyes and shakes his head. "Tell Aunt May I can't thank her enough for giving me Uncle Bens name. But I gotta get out of here... Pete. Don't... don't come after me, ok? Please. I need time."

Peter sighs and nods. "Ok. Just promise you'll come back."

Ben pauses a few moments before nodding. "Yeah. Ok."

Peter stands there in his apartment while Ben starts to say something but then heads back into the bedroom area. Then his eyebrows raise as he hears the window open and the familiar sound of his webshooters being fired. "... He stole my webshooters."

It wasn't until a bit later he realized Ben also took one of his shapeshifting nanofiber costumes and all the gadgets to go along with his newer costume.
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